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  1. angelholifield

    Chicken coughing, blue comb and face

    please help! My chicken has coughed for about a year now. I just let them out to free-range a little bit before it got dark. It's a nice cool fall evening. And after a few minutes of being out she went and immediately sat under our deck and hid her face. I got her to finally get up and walk...
  2. angelholifield

    Dehydrated Hen - Please help!!

    I definitely don't think worms. I constantly keep the coop clean, and all the birds clean and healthy. Plus all the others are perfectly normal.
  3. angelholifield

    Dehydrated Hen - Please help!!

    She pooped finally and this is what it looked like
  4. angelholifield

    Dehydrated Hen - Please help!!

    She hasn't pooped at all from what I can tell. I thought she was broody, because she was sitting on 5 eggs when I first came outside and saw her yesterday. But she didn't care at all for me to pet her, or touch or move the eggs. When I moved the eggs out of the coop, and picked her up and sat...
  5. angelholifield

    Dehydrated Hen - Please help!!

    Okay, my golden comet Maggie, the sweetest of the bunch, kept herself hidden in the coop all day yesterday. She wouldn't eat or drink, and her comb is completely drooped to the side. I figure it is dehydration, so I tried mixing some sugar and salt in some cool water for electrolytes, and she...
  6. angelholifield

    Droopy comb, sitting on 5 eggs

    Update... I was able to mix some sugar and salt in some water and pour it in a tiny cup and she would gulp it right up (last night.) I would periodically go out there and give some to her. Today she was slightly more alert, but wouldn't leave the coop. Sat her in a kiddy pool full of cool but...
  7. angelholifield

    Droopy comb, sitting on 5 eggs

    I have a very sweet golden comet. She loves to let me pet her and hold her.I came home from work and I let everyone out to dree range and I saw her sitting inside the coop. I figured she was laying an egg, but as I looked at her, I noticed her comb was flopped over to one side. And none of my...
  8. angelholifield

    All hens suddenly quit laying

    I live in NC! And okay good I thought that, thank you for reinforcing that! Lol, I usually get worried over nothing! The golden comets are all around close to two, the light brahmas are a little over three.
  9. angelholifield

    All hens suddenly quit laying

    I have 6 hens, 2 I got from my boyfriends house like 2 months ago. One of them, and one of my two golden comets were both laying. But our other two older ones don't hardly. Well a few weeks ago I started getting four eggs a day for almost a week which was new, and exciting. Now all egg...
  10. angelholifield

    Feather loss/scabs

    My boyfriend had two hens at his house and one of my high school teachers had a rooster he didn't want so he let us have it and it was always mean to the two girls. He plucked one of the a feathers a lot so we got rid of him immediately and brought the two hens to my house to be with my other...
  11. angelholifield

    Feather loss/scabs

    Yes, I do. Is that the reason for the scabs too?
  12. angelholifield

    Feather loss/scabs

    One of my golden comets is losing a few of her feathers. Mainly around her comb, and I can see a couple scabs on her comb. What could it possibly be and should I be worried?
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