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  1. Laurie's Silkies

    Is it just Roosters that chest butt each other while puffing their feathers out , or do hens sometim

    I'm still trying to sex my Easter Eggers!! One of them started Crowing a couple days that helps some. but do the Roosters chest butt each other while puffing out their feathers and standing taller? If they do that would be so helpful. Someone please comment as these birds have been...
  2. Laurie's Silkies

    What are mealworms???

    You can get Mealworms at Tractor Supply Stores, Farm and Fleet, Mills Fleet Farm, Live ones at pet Stores. The Mealworms at the other stores are all dead and freeze dried. Chickens LOVE THEM!!! And they're loaded with protein!!! A very healthy snack for Chickens!!
  3. Laurie's Silkies

    When can you feed oats or scratch to my chicks and ducklings?

    When I have little chicks I grind up regular Oatmeal into a fine, but easy to eat powder and chicks go crazy for it. offer it once a day only because it's not a balanced diet. otherwise they should be eating their Chick Crumbles. It's something different, and breaks up the bordom of always...
  4. Laurie's Silkies

    americana coloring help

    I have another Question about Ameraucanas. Some of my Ameraucanas have the classic greenish colored legs and the others have regular colored legs. Why is that? someone told me it's because Ameraucanas are just mix breed chickens and they throw any old breeds of Chickens together just making sure...
  5. Laurie's Silkies

    americana coloring help

    I thought Americana's and Easter Egger's were the same thing? What is an Auracauna then? I heard that Auracauna's are a rare breed and are completely different from Easter Eggers and Americana's. Also, My Americana's are developing ear muffs. I thought those were only found on Auracauna's? There...
  6. Laurie's Silkies

    Sexing Americanas

    Is comb sexing 7-8 week old Amaricaunas a good way to sex them? I know they only develop Pea combs. Some have no combs at all and no signs of pink at all. I believe those are Pullets. some have a visable but small combs that are pinking up fast. another one has a small but visable comb that is...
  7. Laurie's Silkies

    I am in Montgomery which is in Southern MN right on edge of south metro. Anybody near me?

    I'm looking for a Chicken Buddy nearby to share chicken care ideas and mayby some egg and bird swaping etc down the road. Let me know who's nearby. I have (pretty sure) 5 Ameracauna pullets and 3 Cockerals one of which I'm keeping so I'll have fertile eggs next spring to try my hand at...
  8. Laurie's Silkies

    Apple Cider Vinegar Dosages

    How much Raw Apple Cider Vinegar to a 1 quart Waterer? and how much to a Gallon size? Not a newby but just been away from chickens for a while !!!
  9. Laurie's Silkies

    Is Red Lake Earth right DE?

    I live in Minnesota and I buy the Red Lake Earth. The Red Lake Earth is Food Grade and it is not bleached. it is mixed with Volcanic Ash and I was told by someone very reliable that using straight DE is hard on our lungs and I would imagine even harder on a Chickens lungs or a Dogs Lungs. thats...
  10. Laurie's Silkies

    What should Button Quail eat and what level of protein should they have?

    I have my Button Quail in a big cage with my pair of Diamond Doves. can they eat Finch/Parakeet seed mix with Gamebird crumble with protein level of 17 to 18%? Will the doves also enjoy eating the gamebird crumble? How about a broiler feed with 21% protein? Too high?
  11. Laurie's Silkies

    quail dust baths

    Can full strength Food Grade DE be used for the dust bath? I have the Red Lake Earth brand?
  12. Laurie's Silkies


    Can this Crop issue also affect Diamond and Ringneck doves?
  13. Default


  14. Laurie's Silkies

    Unsure how long chickens have gone with H2O

    Every morning I turn on the hose and use my hand mop and wipe out my 2 1 gallon waterers good, add 2 tablespoons ACV to each and fill them to the top. I keep 1 in the coop and one in the chicken yard. Every morning they are rinsed out and filled whether they need it or not. I chose to have...
  15. Laurie's Silkies

    Cleaning out brooder waterer 100 times a day

    I put paper towels under the waterer and then elevate the quart size waterer on a big jar lid. no problems.
  16. Laurie's Silkies

    Difference between Scratch and Cracked Corn?

    I buy a 50 pound bag of scratch grains and add things to it like, wild bird seed, cracked corn,oats and black oil sunflower seeds. They don't seem interested in the sunflower seeds though.
  17. Laurie's Silkies

    Is there anyone who wishes they HADN'T put sand in the run or coop???

    Every spring we bring in a pick up load of playground sand. there's no gravel under it. The nightcrawlers come out at night and crawl around and are constantly stirring it up. so by April every year it's time for a new,fresh load. It's pretty inexpensive here- $22.00 for a full size pickup...
  18. Laurie's Silkies

    Official Purely Poultry thread!!!

    Tyler, just want to let you know I'm still waiting for the catalogs and buisness cards to come in the mail. Thought they would have arrived by now !!! Laurie Matson.
  19. Laurie's Silkies

    Understatement of the year award goes to..........

    Cook up macaroni or cut spagetti and mix it with plain yogurt like you would mayonaise. They will go APE !!!!
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