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  1. Fullcrazy

    Question about timing

    So far so good! Had 1 quitter in the early group, one assisted hatch (air sac was on the side, she's out and good) and the later eggs are hatching now. All worked out!
  2. Fullcrazy

    Question about timing

    Oh my ! If I had 2 incubators I'd have a lockdown one, but I only have one. That sounds like a wild month!
  3. Fullcrazy

    Question about timing

    OK great, thanks. I'll give the humidity a little bit of a bump, but won't go full tropical until pips 😁
  4. Fullcrazy

    Question about timing

    I'd guess 2 days
  5. Fullcrazy

    Question about timing

    I found my hen sitting on some eggs a week ago. I was going to let her do her thing, but she abandoned the nest, so I took the eggs and put them in the incubator. I candled last night and they are further along than I thought, but there are some a few days behind the others (other hens were...
  6. Fullcrazy

    I somehow only hatch roosters

    I feel the same way
  7. Fullcrazy

    I somehow only hatch roosters

    No, it was like 83% hatched
  8. Fullcrazy

    I somehow only hatch roosters

    20/24. A fox took half of them when they were about 6 weeks, of which at least 3 were roos and 1 was a hen (sex link).
  9. Fullcrazy

    I somehow only hatch roosters

    I can't eat them, I am too attached, so I'll give them to someone else who can.
  10. Fullcrazy

    I somehow only hatch roosters

    Want mine? I've got 11 you can have
  11. Fullcrazy

    I somehow only hatch roosters

    I've never had more than 50% male, and it's I've used broodies before, but I didn't have a broody, so used the incubator.
  12. Fullcrazy

    I somehow only hatch roosters

    This will put me at 13 roosters... Ffs. Just so disappointing. What an absolute waste of time this year has been across the board.
  13. Fullcrazy

    I somehow only hatch roosters

    Ignore the very obvious roosters in the back of the top picture, those aren't in question at all 😂
  14. Fullcrazy

    I somehow only hatch roosters

    I tried incubating this year. First batch was rough, the Guage was off and I didn't have a 2nd one in there. 2 hatched, 1 was picked off by a fox (we lost about 15 this spring, in a few days, but the run is sorted now) the other is a nice little roo. Second hatch went well. Some sex link, and...
  15. Fullcrazy


    I'm using the severe dose. They all were drinking, but they stop a few hours before they die. There are only about 5 that I have any hope for, but I'm not holding my breath that any will be alive by morning. Less than 72 hours from start to finish.
  16. Fullcrazy

    4 Week old Chicks BLOODY STOOLS. Need help!

    Yeah. I see no improvement, they are going down fast. I doubt any of my spring hatch will survive.
  17. Fullcrazy

    4 Week old Chicks BLOODY STOOLS. Need help!

    My chicks are still dying, despite the corid. Happening so fast
  18. Fullcrazy


    So 3 days ago I had 20 happy healthy active 8 week old chickens. 2 days ago I went to lock up the coop and found 2 dead. Saw coccidia poop, and started treatment next day, yesterday. 3 died overnight. 2 more have died today, and all are showing signs. I'm going to lose all 20 within 48 hours...
  19. Fullcrazy

    Incubated, and now have a broody!

    OK so just wondering about some logistics. I got an incubator and put in some welsummer and Maran eggs. Turns out the temp gauge was way off, and only ended up with 2 chicks. So I decided to try another batch with just my barnyard mix and a second sensor. Yay! 23 little fluffy nuggets! (I am...
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