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  1. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    There's a umbilical cord stringy thing but that's all. I figured she'd rub that off when she started walking around. The egg was empty.
  2. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    Mom rejected her, so she will be a house ducky until she's big enough to hold her own. Thank goodness I have all of doodles diapers!
  3. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    She's here!!! Looks good so far.
  4. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    Hi All She is doing well and getting antsy. I think she wants out of her cup, but she's not jumping around too much, so I guess I wait until she's really struggling? Also I have a delimma! We have had weather in the high 70's and lows in the 50' and Mother Nature has decided to drop our temps...
  5. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    Hi everyone I've been running all day, but baby duck is still in her cup/egg nest she looks very comfy and she is peeping occasionally and she's still swallowing like she absorbing her yolk. I'm just going to leave her to it. Mama duck hatched her very first hatchling today!!! Her baby is so...
  6. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    Good morning friends. I have good news. Baby duck survived the night!!! I'm so optimistic now. Before I didn't want to get my hopes up, but I think (God willing and the creek don't rise) that this little one might actually make it. She's hunkered down in the cup all comfy like it's her "egg" now...
  7. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    It's getting to be bedtime here. I am going to try and not open that incubator top anymore tonight! With her in the cup it's hard to see her thru my window lol. She is still peeping and squirming and BREATHING, which right now is my biggest concern. She's lubed up, nice and warm and moisty so...
  8. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    She's hanging tough. I'm keeping her head out of the shell because I'm worried she might suffocate on the coconut oil I coated her membranes and yolk sac in. Other than that it's just a watch and wait. On a happier note I went out to the duck house and checked on mama and the eggs and one had...
  9. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    So far, so good. She's breathing and that's about all I can tell you. No bleeding. I have her nestled in a cup. She's in the incubator nice and moist and slippery from coconut oil. If she doesn't make it, it won't be for a lack of trying. You know they say it takes a village to raise a child...
  10. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    I tried to make her cozy. She's very floppy I know that's not good, but I'm still holding out hope for her. I'm glad you suggested that. I was actually thinking that I should somehow prop her up. Cup is a perfect idea! Thank you so much! Give me a squirrel or possum baby and I can go to it...
  11. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    She's almost all the way out. Peeping some. Looks worn out. Can you see the yolk sac? It's so big. I'm afraid she is too young to survive
  12. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    I just saw your comment. She's been sitting on her nest for 31 days. I've candled the eggs a few times and there's all different stages of development. I have one other hen. I'm wondering if she layed the older eggs and the current sitting hen layed the others? Do they usually have so many...
  13. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    I slathered her membrane and the inside of the shell that's still intact with coconut oil. I'm trying to keep the humidity up and just watching her at this point. She opens and closes her bill a lot. Like she's swallowing or eating. She seems to be breathing fine. Hoping this little one pulls...
  14. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    Can you see the duckling better in this pic?
  15. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    So far so good. I'm going to let the little one do the rest if y'all think he can. Thanks everybody for your advice/help. It was all appreciated as I'm a rehabber of mammals, so this is my first egg experience, so I need all the help I can get. Please add anything else that you think I need to...
  16. rehabber0909

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    It's a Rouen crested mallard mix. Thank you so much for your advice. I created a small air hole with the end of a pairing knife and a stretched out paper clip. I heard that sweet little peep of surprise/protest when I did!
  17. rehabber0909


    It's kind of around it not on it. I added more water too. That isn't a feather it's marker. My eyes are blurry from staring lol
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