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  1. cberrybog

    Chicken with swollen belly

    We have a Rhode Island Red and New Hampshire mix with a swollen belly. She stands around and doesn't move too much, but she doesn't squat. When you pick her up she is very thin in the front and you can feel that she hasn't been eating as much as usual. She is very heavy in the back, because of...
  2. cberrybog

    Fluid in abdomen- 2 sick chickens-need advice

    They may have egg peritonitis. We recently had a chicken who had this and there isn't much you can do to help them, unfortunately. Have a look, there is some information online about it. Our chicken had a swollen belly, walked upright and slept all the time. She didn't seem to be in pain and...
  3. cberrybog

    Chicken that sits around and has dirty butt, with odd poop

    Hello, we have a two year old Rhode Island and New Hampshire mix. I noticed yesterday that she wouldn't walk around a lot and didn't eat much. She had diarrhea that is white and has little green clumps in it, it kind of looks swirly. She just sits in the corner of the coop and the rooster is...
  4. cberrybog

    Three week old chick l broken toe

    We had one with a broken toe, it wasn't serious so we left it. She is 2 years old now and walks fine, the toe is just a little crooked. I guess if she walks and she isn't in much pain you can leave it.
  5. cberrybog

    Lethargic chicken, all puffed up

    I'm sorry to hear that. I hope this doesn't happen too often with our chickens.
  6. cberrybog

    Lethargic chicken, all puffed up

    We are going to put her down. She won't move at all and won't eat or drink anything. I can't bring her in to a vet so we can't help her. She doesn't seem to be in pain but she falls over and sleeps all the time. If there is anything we can do for her please let me know.
  7. cberrybog

    Lethargic chicken, all puffed up

    Hello, we figured out she has egg peritonitis. She probably won't make it... thanks anyways.
  8. cberrybog

    Lethargic chicken, all puffed up

    Hello, we have a two year old Rhode Island and New Hampshire mix chicken who won't walk around. I noticed yesterday that she was getting picked on by the others and had a bloody comb. She stays crouched all the time and his her eyes half closed with her feathers puffed up. She has her tail...
  9. cberrybog

    grannys gone and done it

    I'm a hen
  10. cberrybog

    grannys gone and done it

    I read some of it.
  11. cberrybog

    grannys gone and done it

    This is funny, im subscribing!
  12. cberrybog

    The last letter Game

  13. cberrybog

    The last letter Game

  14. cberrybog

    Listless Hen

    Make sure you clean her bottom it could be clogged and be making her poop runny. We had 2 hens behaving like that, I watched them but they seemed to get better after a while. The first hen to have it seemed stressed and wouldn't walk around or eat much. She got better after about a week, but...
  15. cberrybog

    Hen with laceration on head/neck

    You can keep putting her in at night because they can't see in the dark, but in the morning if she has blood on her they will attack her. Take her out early in the morning so they don't attack her. You can keep her separate until she heals fully and keep putting her in at night so they don't...
  16. cberrybog

    Lets count to a million

  17. cberrybog

    Lets count to a million

  18. cberrybog

    Lets count to a million

    COME ON! 34,826
  19. cberrybog

    Lets count to a million

    Oh, 34,824
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