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  1. OurFurryFriends

    Age of Hens - Best Age Before Hatching Their Eggs

    I've looked everywhere and I'm waiting to hear back from the breeder, wondering how long I need to wait after and start laying eggs before I use her eggs to incubate and raise a baby chicks. Another words is it better to wait a few months after they started laying or do they need to be over a...
  2. OurFurryFriends

    5+ week old - boys or girls?

    I am a new chicken owner and my chickens are just over five weeks - there's 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 buff Orpingtons and 1 Plymouth Barred Rock. I'm having a hard time posting more than one or two pictures - can anybody tell just from these whether they are boys or girls?
  3. OurFurryFriends

    Where's the Chick Poop?

    Good morning - quick question. The baby chicks have been in their brooder now about 14 hours and I don't really see any poop. Is that unusual?
  4. OurFurryFriends

    Chicks added to brooder

    The place that I want to get baby chicks from is not going to have one of the breeds I want to get. What's the ideal way to bring in babies from different sources and different ages. Is a couple of days ok, or is a week better to make sure there's nothing wrong with the first batch?
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