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  1. Ourlittlehollow

    Third Hatch Turkey Poults

    We ended up with an 80% hatch rate with these poults. They are Blue Slate and Lavender Slate with Ridley Bronze gene. They took over 30 hours to completer their hatch. I gave them some Poly-vi-sol drops as son as they finished and had rested in the hopes of preventing the club-feet/flipping...
  2. Ourlittlehollow

    Need a little advice…Turkey Poult, Club Feet

    Two turkey poults hatched today, both with club feet. Will vitamins be enough to fix it or should I attempt to make them "chicken shoes" out of clear tape? Any Advice is greatly appreciated. Thank You.
  3. Ourlittlehollow

    Second Hatch, Turkey Poults

    Our Turkey Poults pipped internally last night around 5:30pm. No Peeping this morning but lots of rocking. I have a battery operated light inside the incubator that helps me see whats happening on the inside of the egg without opening the bator. Humidity has been perfect, temperature has been...
  4. Ourlittlehollow

    Second Hatch at Black Sheep Hollow

    Our Turkey Poults pipped internally last night around 5:30pm. No Peeping this morning but lots of rocking. I have a battery operated light inside the incubator that helps me see whats happening on the inside of the egg without opening the bator. Humidity has been perfect, temperature has been...
  5. Ourlittlehollow

    First Time Hatching Eggs

    Hey BYC, I wanted to start a new thread on our hatching eggs that way it would all be on one thread. We have 40 eggs, set to hatch in 6, 5 day intervals starting tomorrow. Chickens, then turkeys and chickens, then turkeys and chickens and ducks, then turkeys and ducks, then ducks, then turkeys...
  6. Ourlittlehollow

    Hey BYC, This is Amanda from Black Sheep Hollow in Prince Edward County

    I am so excited to finally be a member on this website. We started with a small flock of, 16, day old heritage chicks last May. We now have 21 chickens, 6 ducks and two turkeys. Our turkey hen started laying eggs in December, after the temperature climbed to almost 15 degrees. I didn't want to...
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