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  1. Jesusbear7

    Bald butt and swollen below vent.

    wow.. still no clear answers... My 3yr old EE also has this problem. she has had a droopy butt for over a year, but just today i noticed the swollen featherless bottom. i picked her up today to check it out and she had a warm water-baloony mass like what has been mentioned in this thread. :( I...
  2. Default


  3. Jesusbear7

    No Eggs from all my girls in 5 days? help!

    This is really weird, we have 10 hens who have been laying for about 2-3 months. We have a group of hens a few weeks older, but all had been laying pretty regularly last week. We were getting about 8 eggs a day, and started giving dozens away. We went out to collect this past week and no eggs...
  4. Jesusbear7

    Help with choosing Waterer, Please!

    I did that too, but my roo likes to prop a leg up on the lip when he drinks...
  5. Jesusbear7

    Help with choosing Waterer, Please!

    I'm looking for some hanging wateres online, is plastic as good as galvanized? I've read the galvanized aren't meant to hang. Any suggestions on the best hanging wateres out there? I'd like to get 2 3 gallons. I have 10 hens and a roo.. and they end up knocking there sitting waterer over...
  6. Jesusbear7

    New to BYC in NE Ohio

    Melissa, Thanks, I'm Melisa too (but with 1 s) My friends own a little computer shop in Cortland. We had our bunny at the fair this year, and hope to do chickens next. Chickens really bring so much joy... we sit and watch them for hours. We have 1 that is about 5 months.. a friend found him as...
  7. Jesusbear7

    New to BYC in NE Ohio

    I'm also from NE Ohio! and brand new to chickens myself (about 5 months) This site is addicting and very helpful. Welcome!
  8. Jesusbear7

    Ken had another ??? attack Update pg 16

    I am so sorry to hear this, i hope he recovers quickly... you are in my prayers.
  9. Jesusbear7

    Fed my girls some baby mice.......Ewwwwww!

    this story just makes me sad... nothing could save the baby mice, but it just makes me sad.
  10. Jesusbear7

    My little Easter Egger has a cross beak

    i can only make the humane decision... i just love her so much, since she is the one i've spent the most time with, we've really created a bond. i guess i have to make a call to a vet... this sucks that it's friday, i really have to do my very best to ensure her the most comfort this weekend...
  11. Jesusbear7

    My little Easter Egger has a cross beak

    That is what i was so afraid of, but i couldn't bear letting her suffer... i see the phrase cull quite a bit on here, i'm going to assume the meaning. I would never be able to do that personally, i litterally can't kill a fly, do you know if i could take her to a vet to have her put down? this...
  12. Jesusbear7

    My little Easter Egger has a cross beak

    sorry about the pics, let's try again...
  13. Jesusbear7

    My little Easter Egger has a cross beak

    I got 5 more EE's 3 weeks ago and on the day they turned one week, i noticed one had something weird going on with her beak. I immedietly got on here and read that it was called cross beak, but it seems like my little girl has a pretty severe case. She is always hungry, I put a deep little dish...
  14. Jesusbear7

    11 rescued hens need help

    How are these chickens doing? I've been wondering about them since i first read this and just did a search to find this thread again. would love to hear an update and i hope all is well. God bless your kind heart!
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