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  1. PonyRaindrop

    Lethargic Rooster

    update on the rooster: We have gotten in touch with a vet who is knowledgeable in avian veterinary care. My main concern other then getting him better was finding out if he had Mareks disease, due to the contagiousness of it. After talking to the vet and giving him a rundown of what the symptoms...
  2. PonyRaindrop

    Lethargic Rooster

    Thankyou so much for all the help. I will keep updating on his condition, but if he continuously gets worse then maybe putting him down would be the nicest thing I can do...I hope it doesn’t get to that point but we will see.
  3. PonyRaindrop

    Lethargic Rooster

    I will ask someone at home to check him over and get back to you on that. If it is Mareks, is there any chance that I can eliminate it from the coop or would it be permanent? He doesn’t have raised skin follicles or labored hopefully it isn’t Mareks. Is it possible that lice can...
  4. PonyRaindrop

    Lethargic Rooster

    Yesterday we trimmed the best we could around his eyes, but when I get home from school I will work on that some more, along with getting pictures of his feet and legs. I will have someone at home that is able to give him the nutri drench and use the Vet Rx on him. This morning he was laying...
  5. PonyRaindrop

    Lethargic Rooster

    I will definitely look into these, Thankyou!
  6. PonyRaindrop

    Lethargic Rooster

    He’s able to move his legs but he doesn’t want to stand at all. We took him out of the garage where he is at into the yard so we could sprinkle the dust on him and he doesn’t support himself. He only lays flat out. The last new bird I added was in the summer around July I believe. I’m pretty...
  7. PonyRaindrop

    Lethargic Rooster

    Update on him: We ended up getting gardstar garden and poultry dust along with VetRx liquid. We were not able to get the vitamins, although the poultry nutridrench has both e and b in low quantities. We syringed a few drops of the VetRx into his mouth and about five minutes later he was very...
  8. PonyRaindrop

    Lethargic Rooster

    Thankyou for the reply. Can lice cause him to act this way? Wouldn’t all the others be acting similar too?
  9. PonyRaindrop

    Lethargic Rooster

    @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock @SBFChickenGirl Sorry for the late response, I had to go to a barn that my horse is boarded at. We separated him, he is now in our garage and there is a heat lamp on him about two feet away. We don’t have the vitamin b or vitamin e or wormer right now but we found lice on...
  10. PonyRaindrop

    Lethargic Rooster

    @SBFChickenGirl His crop feels empty, and the little bit I can feel isn’t hard. There are no mites that I can see. I tried to see if he could walk at all and he has no balance, he stumbles and his wings droop as if he’s trying to catch himself. I’m worried if I separate him he will become...
  11. PonyRaindrop

    Lethargic Rooster

    Hello BYC, I have a 3-4 year old silkie rooster who has been acting off for about a week now. He is lethargic and as far as I know not eating or drinking on his own. He also seems to loose his balance pretty easily and whenever I go out he is either next to a wall or a higher spot of pine...
  12. PonyRaindrop

    Trying to Integrate a Single Hen

    I will be gone over the weekend so she will have another few days to see them but not touch. Hopefully this will be much better when I get back and I can try again! Thanks :)
  13. PonyRaindrop

    Trying to Integrate a Single Hen

    Interestingly enough my flock are all around three years and still laying, and the new hen is only around a year. My rooster is kinda a wimp when it comes to doing his “job” as he was always second in line (or maybe even lower than some of my hens) to the big buff orphington guy that I used to...
  14. PonyRaindrop

    Trying to Integrate a Single Hen

    Thanks for the reply! This makes me feel much better about her attitude towards the other hens.:)
  15. PonyRaindrop

    Trying to Integrate a Single Hen

    Hello BYC! I have a rather bossy hen that I am trying to integrate into my flock of six (five hens, one rooster). Prior to living with me, she was alone free ranging at a farm for quite a while. She has been through quarantine already. I did the “see but no touch” method for a few days and she...
  16. PonyRaindrop

    Mean Rooster

    I will keep this in mind, your right. Thanks for the reply.
  17. PonyRaindrop

    Mean Rooster

    My current buff orphington rooster is mean, will attack me and my family out of nowhere. I am trying to make the discision as to whether or not I want to cull him, and right now I’m leaning towards yes. He does his job, and has saved the hens multiple times, but the majority have featherless...
  18. PonyRaindrop

    Porcelain Silkies...?

    That seems to be what they look like most. Thanks for the reply!
  19. PonyRaindrop

    Porcelain Silkies...?

    Hello! I was given two chicks from a friend and was told they were porcelain silkies. I’m not so sure they are silkies though - they don’t have black feet or five toes, and not much of a afro look to them. Although, they do have feathered feet. Any ideas to what they might be? I don’t know how...
  20. PonyRaindrop

    Impacted Crop Issue

    Thank you for the reply :) We massaged her crop and it became softer, today she is feeling better and more active. I felt her crop and it was mostly empty, so I think she is fixed! We did more olive oil and lots of water. Again, thanks!
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