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  1. rmickelson44

    Missing feathers

    My 4 week old Black Australorp is going bald. I understand that they loose there feathers to get new ones but this is not right. They seem to be idk falling out and leaving bald spots all over her. And when picking her up she feels like nothing. I dont see her getting picked on she is very...
  2. rmickelson44

    Missing feathers

    So I have noticed that my Black Australorp is going bald. She will be 4 weeks old on Friday and I do understand that her feathers are coming in but this just dont seem right. She is balding on the tip of her wings and her chest looks like she is pulling them out. When I pick her up she feels of...
  3. rmickelson44

    Just pix[/IMG]
  4. rmickelson44

    Update on my Mean Red

    Well to bring you a update on my mean RIR Red. I have used the spray bottle and it was the best idea ever. A quick squirt to the chest and she backs off. Today I was able to sit with my girls without her attacking me. I even got a lil snuggle time with her. hahaha We are still working on that...
  5. rmickelson44

    My mean Red

    So I have a lil problem with my RIR. She has been hand raised. Always around people, kids , other animals. She has seem to become very mean. She charges and attacks when you enter the run. She also follows you around and if you are still for to long she attacks by jumping on you and pecking you...
  6. rmickelson44

    New on the block

    I am glad to be on here. Its nice to see others share the same interest as me. I have a total of 7 chickens. 2 that are laying and 5 that are about 3 days old. My flock consists of a Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, ( my 2 that are laying ) an Ameraucana, Isa Brown(2), Barred Rock, and a...
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