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  1. RedSky1


    Welcome to BYC!
  2. RedSky1

    Help hatching eggs

    I have broody mom who has two chicks. I had her with other moms who wouldn't let her help with babies she hatched. So when they rejected two babies I separated them all. Their were about 12 eggs no one was sitting on anymore. I gave them to same broody mom. She stopped showing the chicks to eat...
  3. RedSky1

    Comment by 'RedSky1' in article 'Introduction to Keeping Guinea Fowl'

    I have guineas also and found a gem I'll share with you. Hawks don't like crows. Crows will protect your guineas and chickens by chasing off hawks and even buzzards. You just need to feed them a little. If you have high places like a flat wooden fence post. A shingled roof, or fairly flat small...
  4. RedSky1

    Advice on letting broody hen hatch eggs

    I dont know what to say. Mine never had this issue. When the momme brought her babies out it was at about 3 to4 weeks. She nested outside for a couple of weeks on ground in chicken lot. But was nice weather and nothing bothered them. I closedyard up at night. Now with weather change it brought...
  5. RedSky1

    Lazy girls sleep so late!

  6. RedSky1

    Advice on letting broody hen hatch eggs

    Lol its exciting every day for me. We love our chickens. I do in home care and have a lady that has dementia so bad she doesnt remember her grown childrens names. But she remembers me as tge Chicken Girl. Lol guess one can be a bit crazy about their chickens.
  7. RedSky1

    Advice on letting broody hen hatch eggs

    This is my first time having chickens at all. The chicks did great. I did loose two of the 4 chicks. One didnt seem right & never opened his/her eyes. The other one kept squeezing through corners in lot fencing. It was there at night as I made sure of it. Next morning it was gone. No feathers or...
  8. RedSky1

    Advice on letting broody hen hatch eggs

    I asked neighbor who is Amish about this. He told me dont worry leave them there. I fed mine for about a week in coop. Both water & chick feed after they hatched. Moses the Amish neighbor said the momma would take care of them. She did and not one fell out. It wasnt long & she had them in coop...
  9. RedSky1

    Advice on letting broody hen hatch eggs

    Ok lots of information here. I have broody that is sitting 10 eggs. Would have been 12 but hubby took 2 white ones out. He didnt realize I had left them so two white chickens could hatch. I mainly have isa brown's. My question is they are in coop. Its up at waist level from the bottom of it...
  10. RedSky1

    What should I do. Momma & babies

    Question when do you put babies with rest of flock?
  11. RedSky1

    Help I don't know what to do

    I have a white cob hen. She has what looks to be a horrible prolapse in hind end area. Its very red and some blood. It is size of baseball. What do I do? Tried to post picture from my phone but it didn't work.
  12. RedSky1

    5 week old campine roo SW Virginia

    My man said no. I'm sorry. I do hope you find him a good home. Thank you for replying.
  13. RedSky1

    5 week old campine roo SW Virginia

    I'm in Charlotte Court House VA. Not sure what a campine is.
  14. RedSky1

    Jumped in with both feet!

    Welcome! You picked the right place for good sound advice!
  15. RedSky1

    Hi from Virginia

    Welcome! I too am in Virginia and started my first flock of chickens in March. I've learned a ton from this site!
  16. RedSky1

    Coccidiosis not sure if my chickens have it?

    I have that ready to go starting Saturday. Their last day on Corid is Friday. I have read a lot about giving plain yogurt to them. But not article gives advice on how to do it. Mix it or just set small shallow bowl of it?
  17. RedSky1

    Coccidiosis not sure if my chickens have it?

    The Corid seems to be working. I'm happy not to lose any more chickens!
  18. RedSky1

    Coccidiosis not sure if my chickens have it?

    So today chickens looking good. I got the medicine in their food. I'm glad I haven't lost any more chickens. Four more days of medicine. I'm dosing both flocks.
  19. RedSky1

    Coccidiosis not sure if my chickens have it?

    Thank you. I planned on it when they open Monday morning. I got home from work and they all but one look really good. The one that doesnt is a little runt of bunch. He's not bad like before. I can't say how much I love this site.
  20. RedSky1

    Coccidiosis not sure if my chickens have it?

    It was sugested I post here. I had noticed loose stools but a little too late. Im very new to having chickens. I got 12 begining of March. They are cobbs. White meat chickens. Everything was great until Thursday so I thought. I started seeing lethargic chickens. They didnt want to eat. They...
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