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  1. rkinley

    Are the eggs dead?

    How long can a hen be off the nest on day 14 ish and the eggs survive? My girl started with 8 and is down to 3 from various issues (hens pecking, possible snake) so we moved her to our “broody coop” last night and this morning she was pacing to get out and the eggs were cold. I can move her back...
  2. rkinley

    First time duck mama

    We don’t have dog crates anymore but we have moved chickens down to the broody coop in the evening. That should work.
  3. rkinley

    First time duck mama

    My duck finally hatched one egg out of 4, I discovered it this morning. No idea how long it’s been out, it’s dry. Mom still setting. Our other chickens would have access to any food and water I put up with them and I’m worried they will just harass mom and baby. We want to move the family...
  4. rkinley

    Flat sided, crinkly eggs

    Got these 2 weird eggs today so 2 hens have whatever is causing this. All but 2 hens are one year as of today. The others are 3-4 years (I have 17). They all look healthy. We have had super excessive rain this year and the run is a swamp. We put lots of hay down in the coop and that’s dry but...
  5. rkinley

    Bump on day old chick butt

    Had no idea that chicks had navels. I thought that was a mammalian thing, lol. No apparent leaking. I guess this little one has an “outie”.
  6. rkinley

    Bump on day old chick butt

    Can anyone tell me what this bump is on this chicks backside? It is below the cloaca so it isn’t pasty butt. It feels kinda hard and crusty but doesn’t seem to soften when I put a damp cloth on it. Although I didn’t hold it on very long...
  7. rkinley

    Black, white, gray?! What breed are these?

    Here is a picture of one of the black ones
  8. rkinley

    Black, white, gray?! What breed are these?

    I bought some fertilized eggs to hatch. I am not sure what they are. 2 are black with little tufts on the top of their heada, one is white with gray here and there, 1 is black and gray allover. Any clues?
  9. rkinley

    Bare butt chicken

    I thought that their feces always had urates in it...
  10. rkinley

    Bare butt chicken

    Why is my hen's rear end totally without feathers? She's been this way for a while but none of the others are.
  11. rkinley

    If feed stores closed and you can’t free range...

    I guess I have a question about growing for the chickens. I have found so far that they tend to eat the first leaves and the plant has no chance to grow to maturity. Also, when they have had access to the compost pile. They scratch it out totally and it ends up completely svattered. How do you...
  12. rkinley

    Duck wont use new pond

    That was one of the things I was wondering about; whether she would use out of necessity or if she would just stay afraid and end up sick. She seems smarter than that, but I know absolutely nothing about ducks. Or at least only what I saw Daffy Duck do, lol
  13. rkinley

    Duck wont use new pond

    That's a good idea.
  14. rkinley

    Duck wont use new pond

    I don't know what breed she is, but she is either a Mallard or a Rouen. I think she is not full grown yet. Still deciding on whether to get a drake.
  15. rkinley

    Duck wont use new pond

    Draining will be an issue. We have no choice really but to bail out the water.
  16. rkinley

    Duck wont use new pond

    No, it's a galvanized tank
  17. rkinley

    Duck wont use new pond

    So have not been able to catch her.
  18. rkinley

    Duck wont use new pond

    Over mated? You mean by our rooster?! I didn't know they would do that.
  19. rkinley

    Duck wont use new pond

    A duck adopted us a week or so ago. We love her! She found our TINY old water pan and uses it for her bathing needs. OBVIOUSLY this is unsat, so we bought a small stock waterer and buried it, filled it up and she won't go near it. Help!! I hate to remove the old small one as it's all the "pond"...
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