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  1. soldieratheart

    Chickens won't use their ladder!

    Thansk for all the replies... I have not had a chance to go out and take a picture yet, but I do that in the morning. Interesting that you all have found that your chickens have taken quite a bit of time before they figured things out... I know they're not that bright but didn't realize how long...
  2. soldieratheart

    Chickens won't use their ladder!

    I have finally moved my chickens into their coop, they've been there for 4 days now. It is a two-level coop, the upstairs is enclosed with a pitched roof and has a 14" by 14" hatch cutout in the floor. From there I have a "chicken ladder" - a 14" length of plywood with "rungs" attached every...
  3. soldieratheart

    Would You Let Your 16 Year Old Sail Across The World Alone?

    Given my assessment of my child's ability, maturity, and common sense, yes I would allow this. I also understand the father's comment as saying that denying permission would be worse than allowing the risks associated IN THIS SITUATION - not that the risk of death is worse than denying...
  4. soldieratheart

    Anyone use SAND in the run/coop

    Hi, I am new to chicken-keeping and getting ready to move my 15 8-week-old chicks into their new coop this weekend or Monday... I want to use sand in my coop but am trying to locate a place that has the coarse construction sand. I have a couple questions about sand though, even after reading all...
  5. soldieratheart

    Cannot. keep up. with brooder cleaning. ANYMORE!!!!!

    Neat idea PortageGirl! Hot soup does sound reeeeaaaaalllly good right now! I can rip plywood... just not boards. The table saw is wiggly as a couple bolts are loose on the stand, and the blade is dull. DH is wanting to use the scrap 2x6s and 2/12s that we have and rip them in half to use for...
  6. soldieratheart

    Cannot. keep up. with brooder cleaning. ANYMORE!!!!!

    Awesome!!! GREAT ideas!!! Shaggy, thank you for the male perspective. DH is very, very sensitive to any perceived criticism, so I am sure that the "carrot" method is better than the "stick"! Especially if it's carrot cake, along with the smooches and (honest) admiration I have for all the work...
  7. soldieratheart

    Cannot. keep up. with brooder cleaning. ANYMORE!!!!!

    Yes, I've done that before, but things like ripping a board on a temperamental table saw are a little too intimidating for me. Plus, I am nursing our baby so if I do go out to to the garage, then I need someone to watch the baby (DH doesn't want him around all the dust and stuff while we use the...
  8. soldieratheart

    Cannot. keep up. with brooder cleaning. ANYMORE!!!!!

    My lil' chickies are almost 8 weeks old now and look like mini-chickens.... I need their coop DONE!!!!!! My darling DH has helped me every step of the way in building the coop, and keeps promising to finish it... but WHEN???? I feel so bad since he has done a terrific job and I *suck* at...
  9. soldieratheart

    White Rock x Buff Orpington?

    I see... but I am assuming you didn't use the X meat birds, did you? Was it a I or i+ with silver? How did you get the barring effect then? I have been scrolling through some of your threads/pictures and your birds are gorgeous, the only thing is, you are doing pretty much everything that I was...
  10. soldieratheart

    White Rock x Buff Orpington?

    Wow Krys your barred Orp is beautiful! That's exactly what I was thinking of... is it still as friendly as a Buff? How did you get your cross (if it's not a trade secret ) ? I just love the Orpington type and body and the Buff color (don't care for the blacks or whites so much). It would just...
  11. soldieratheart

    White Rock x Buff Orpington?

    Well, first as to the Partridge Rocks... they don't seem to be true Barred as they have the salmon breast and partridge coloring, so would they give relaible barring without introducing a whole bunch of other color or pattern genes? My end goal would be to have purely gold/ginger and white birds...
  12. soldieratheart

    White Rock x Buff Orpington?

    Hi all, I was wondering if it would be possible to create a Red Barred Rock, or conversely a Barred Buff Orpington? Since a White Rock is actually a Barred Rock with the Black Barring suppressed by two doses of recessive white ( I think), then White Rocks actually carry non-sex-linked Barring...
  13. soldieratheart

    Chick crop is STILL swollen... do I need to do anything?

    Well, I made the chickie throw up, poor thing... held it upside down (face pointed at the ground) and worked it's crop, and it threw up quite a bit several times. So now I have a guest in the house... put some bedding in an extra dog crate, some ACV water, and put yogurt in there for the chick...
  14. soldieratheart

    Chick crop is STILL swollen... do I need to do anything?

    Oh my... I am so sorry about your chick! I've noticed that this chick is a little smaller than the others, but I'm not sure. I guess I will pay very close attention as to whether it is losing weight.... I don't want to lose the little guy. On the other hand, he has drank olive oil but it dodn't...
  15. soldieratheart

    Chick crop is STILL swollen... do I need to do anything?

    Hi I posted a couple days ago about my 5-week old chick having a swollen crop. It's like a bubble, soft and mushy but will not go away... I had separated the chick at first but it was chirping for it's buddies and seemed fine, pooping and drinking and drank the saucer of olive oil I gave it. So...
  16. soldieratheart

    Ack! Is THIS an impacted crop?

    Ohhhhh... thanks so much! I did not even know that was happening! So when you say to hold off on grains, does that include their regular feed as well? (I use Purina Sunfresh Starter/Grower).
  17. soldieratheart

    Makeshift coop idea?

    Well, the brooder boxes are in the garage bay now, and the dust and smell are manageable... kind of stinky right in the brooder box, but I guess that is somewhat inevitable. I am hoping the coop will be better, because the top part that is enclosed will have sand for bedding and that should keep...
  18. soldieratheart

    Ack! Is THIS an impacted crop?

    Hey everyone, thanks for responding and for your advice! The chick still has a (smaller) bump in it's crop, but it is quite soft and doesn't seem to bother it at all. It is doing fine, actually I put it back in the brooder with the other chicks for the night and put the ACV water in there too. I...
  19. soldieratheart

    Ack! Is THIS an impacted crop?

    Sorry about the confusion about the chickie quarters.... I have built a brooder out of 2"x 2"s and 1/2" hardware cloth, that is 42" square by 2ft high. This has a little doorway opening into another, similar brooder that is the same height and 2ft x 4ft. Both brooder boxes have a hardware cloth...
  20. soldieratheart

    Ack! Is THIS an impacted crop?

    Well, I tried massaging the crop, but it doesn't feel hard, it just feels big like a big bubble. There is some stuff in there but it moves around easily. The chick has stopped it's weird walk and "gag", but when it let the flock out in their pen, this one ended up wallowing in a little hole in...
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