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  1. harley

    Look what I did during naptime today!

    I know from experience that if you fill it full you are going to be wasting a lot of feed. I also made one and made the same mistakes. First you need to reduce the amount of feed that can enter the bottom at one time by adding a sloping piece of wood on the inside where the feed enters the fill...
  2. harley

    Seriously, 30 weeks and no eggs?

    YourLinkGoesHere I too am very disappointed in my pullets. Have about sixty and only a few are starting to lay. One thing for sure it has cost me way more than its been worth. If those girls dont start some serious laying within the next few weeks thay may just become meat for the freezer. Its...
  3. harley

    Best place to buy pine shaving?

    I get mine free, in a round about way, that is. I have a wood working shop and I run all my scrape wood throught my planner and that gives me all the shavings I want. Getting free scrap wood isnt that hard to find so if you use a lot of wood shavings why not invest in a wood planner and plane...
  4. harley

    3 Roosters - 5 Hens

    I suggest one rooster per 12 to 14 hens. Get rid of any extras or like someone said put them in seperate pens and use for your breediing program if you plan on raising your own flock.
  5. harley

    Abbreviations of Chicken Breeds

    I spent a while the other day trying to figure out OEG or something like that. I still dont know that that means, provided it right. Its almost like trying to learn a new language and at my age (69) thats almost impossible. I think this comes from so many texting and i dont do that either. I...
  6. harley

    Chicks Vs. Pullets should i start with older birds?

    It sounds to me you want chickens for eggs and not pets. I would suggest buying pullets that are about to start laying. That is some that are at least 4 to 6 months old depending on their breed. When you start off with chicks you have 4 plus months of feeding and that cost a pretty penny and you...
  7. harley

    No eggs???

    Do not feed hens or chicks crack corn in the summer[/b][/u]. It raises their body temperature and they dont need that now. Like someone suggested increase the protein if at all possible, but if they are free range they should be getting all the protein they need. Just my two cents Hartley
  8. harley

    Chick want eat.

    Sad story, but things happen. Had a plymouth white rock that hatched out 12 eggs or so suppose to hatch out 12 eggs. I notice some time back egg shells out from under her. Only the shell remained which mades me believe that she was eating the eggs. Really didnt know what to do so i took the egg...
  9. harley

    Do chickens kill chickens?

    You think thats bad. I had a plymouth white rock setting for the past 21 days only to find out as soon as one hatched she would eat it. I just notice today and out of 12 eggs, only five were saved. So far i only have one chick that has made it and that was only because i saw it pecking its way...
  10. harley

    Our Rooster has become a terror-- suggestions please

    I have the same problem with two roosters. They are in seperate pens so its not about who is boss. I raised one of the roosters (black sex-link from a chick. What i have readed is to catch them, seperate them for a while. I even tied both my roosters up by the feet and let them hang for a...
  11. harley

    how many laying hens to get 2 dozen eggs a day

    I have 34 laying hens and there are several breeds. Most of the time i get anywhere from 18 to 26 eggs a day. Now i keep up with which hens are laying since i have them seperated and the best layers are my black sex links. they lay 80 to 100 % every day and for the most part extra or jumbo eggs...
  12. harley

    Best treatment for tapeworms?

    Not sure of the spelling but iIthink its diatomaceous earth or some time referred to as Da. Its not that easy to find or iIfind it not that easy to find but i do know of a place. IF you go with DA be sure and get food grade. Its used for a lot of different things so i would suggest you start...
  13. harley

    ..look what happend.. UPDATES

    Decision time for someone.. Either keep the chickens or get rid of the dog. I wouldnt say kill the dog for the reason, its a dog and some dogs do those things. Could be he was just playing with the chicks and got carried away but the fact remains he killed something you love very much. It a...
  14. harley

    drop off in egg production

    Could be a lot of reasons. (1) snake is in the hen house. (2) They could be stressed out over something. (3) May not be getting enough calicum. (4) One or more of the chickens could be eating their own egg. I have had that problem and the first thing i was thinking was a snake. I spent a lot of...
  15. harley

    Chickens and rabbits in the run together?

    I have had rabbits in the same pen as the chickens but after a little while they dont seem to mind each other.
  16. harley

    Black Sex-Link is so mean!

    I have 13 bsl and i have never had a problem with them. If you are interested in laying hens then bsl is the way to go. I have several other breeds and i get the most eggs from the bsl. As a general rule they are in the 80 to 100 precent daily, even in cold weather. Being mean? Well they have...
  17. harley

    I have a Black sex link chicken question

    they get to be a fairly large chicken and they are great egg layers. the eggs will be brown. when they first start laying the eggs will be small but in just a short time the eggs will be large. in my opinion one of the best laying chickens there are. mine started laying at just four months...
  18. harley

    New Member

    I would like to take this time to introduce myself. I am a retired man at the proud age of 68. I was raised on a farm and lived a lot of my life with animals of all kind around me but for the past 40 years or so I was out in the work place with no dealing with farm animals at all. I always said...
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