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  1. Sachiko

    Chick growing & survived without shell !!! Here is a live experiment happening
  2. Sachiko

    Rooster bit me...

    For the dust bath issue in snow, you can always supplement with a kitty litter pan and a mis of soil and diatomaceous earth
  3. Sachiko

    Chick growing & survived without shell !!! It is possible; however, it takes a lot of control factors. This is just a starter article, I have yet to follow the reference links.
  4. Sachiko

    Twisted upside-down head and chest pecking?

    Can you please give a detailed meal prep???
  5. Sachiko

    Twisted upside-down head and chest pecking?

    My baby is doing the same thing I'm treating her as though she has wry neck; but her crop is swollen too. She was given to me at the pet store and I'd guess she's about 3 weeks old.
  6. Sachiko

    Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

    I'm not really sure how old the chick is, I just know the feed store was eager to get rid of her. She's been eating chick starter that I ground up with a mortar and pestle with little to no problem; but the first day I had her she wasn't able to eat at all. As far as water goes, I've been mixing...
  7. Sachiko

    Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

    I was given a chick that I believe has wry neck. I've already started treatment (vitamin E, Selenium, and savAchick electrolytes) and it's no longer keeping its head between its legs at a constant, but it's still doing front flips (this is the second day I've had her). Are front flips common for...
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