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  1. SoulFyre777

    First- time Chick Adoption...Normal behavior??

    I would still love any input on this situation, in case we do try to do this again one day. Suggestions? Comments? Anyone??
  2. SoulFyre777

    First- time Chick Adoption...Normal behavior??

    So maybe not. I went back out and the chicks were all out eating but Lucy wouldn't let them back under her. :( So, try again another night or just let it go and get the brooder out for good?
  3. SoulFyre777

    First- time Chick Adoption...Normal behavior??

    So, I just checked on them again and she *seemed* to be in better spirits. Maybe I just checked on them too early at first? Will still be watching them today but thought I would post this pic. :) And, yes, she has actually rejected the nesting box and has chosen to nest on the ground. Go...
  4. SoulFyre777

    First- time Chick Adoption...Normal behavior??

    So, after wanting to add to our flock for some time, we finally took the dive and placed 4 Ameraucana chicks under our super-broody Buff Orpington, Lucy, last night. (Lucy is an older hen who as never mothered before but will go broody for weeks on end.) After going out there this morning, they...
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