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  1. chickenhawkct

    Whats with the pig pile I thought i got chickens?

    here is the picture i hope you can help. as you can see they are different breeds raised together buffs, reds, and bard rocks,
  2. chickenhawkct

    Whats with the pig pile I thought i got chickens?

    My chickens live in an old converted shed. i have about twenty laying boxes and about 6foot of roosting space. That being said my mental mush chickens all pile/ roost in the door, even when closed.
  3. chickenhawkct

    Topic of the week - Free Ranging

    I live in town on a 1/4 acre lot most of that is house. there are no fences between most of my neighbors. just disgusting arborvitae which I have grown to tolerate since they provide cover for chickens. I get home at 4pm let them out to roam, usually put them back 5-530pm. Because they just want...
  4. chickenhawkct

    One eye closed, one open?

    Was looking up this thread for a chick that wasn't opening her eye. there wasn't anything crusty she just wouldn't open it. used warm water and Q-tip to moisten it. it popped open. had to do this for three mornings. the last morning it was just her right eye that was closed. took her back to the...
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