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  1. AnnaCastle

    Turkey Eye Goopy and Shaking

    Well here's an update, in case anyone is actually reading since nobody responded in several days. We treated the eye with some pet optomologic ointment and a saline wash daily, and he's been improving each day. Fed him his favorite treat, banana covered in "Turkey grower" and seed, and yesterday...
  2. AnnaCastle

    Turkey Eye Goopy and Shaking

    Last night it drizzled most of the night, and our Tom was squinting an eye in the morning. We dabbed some triple antibiotic Vectromycin for animals (safe for poultry), but it's getting worse! Now he's standing there sometimes shaking, and sitting down. He flinches when we come up b/c he doesn't...
  3. AnnaCastle

    Bumble Treatment

    Today when we checked him the right foot (the really swollen one) was no longer hot like it had been before. We'll keep checking. Thanks for your help.
  4. AnnaCastle

    Bumble Treatment

    Well tonight we soaked his feet again (my husband said I hadn't used enough Epsom before, so even the long soak didn't do much). My husband pulled and worked the scabs with tweezers, but he said there's no "hard plug" under the skin, didn't feel anything, either foot. They bled a little but it...
  5. AnnaCastle

    Bumble Treatment

    Thank you. He has been walking around w/o limping anymore since I soaked his feet for an hour, so I can put him back with the rest until tonight, then my husband and I will work on him. Edit: I let him go back with the rest, and he RAN straight for the hens in the garden. Guess that soak made...
  6. AnnaCastle

    Bumble Treatment

    And why decolorized? Would regular (colored) iodine work? My neighbor has an iodine solution (forget what it's called) that is 10% iodine.
  7. AnnaCastle

    Bumble Treatment

    Thanks, we'll try the decolorized iodine wrap tonight. I asked my husband to get some on way back home this evening (I'm grounded, broken car). You sound like you've dealt with this a lot. Did they all recover? Part of me panicked when I saw first one, then both feet, seems like a death...
  8. AnnaCastle

    Bumble Treatment

    Thank you, I had already read and was trying that article's treatment. The thing is, it doesn't really specify what stage you can do that at. Any stage? Or only early on? Looks now like it's more advanced than we first thought. I had him standing in the sink soaking his feet for over an hour...
  9. AnnaCastle

    Bumble Treatment

    Did you see the photo "1"? No not black yet, but darker reddish brown. I'll need to get my neighbor or someone to hold him if I need to remove that deposit now.
  10. AnnaCastle

    Bumble Treatment

    Our beautiful roo has Bumble. We only caught it this morning, he had started to limp a bit more than usual (always had a tiny limp since we got him), not like that yesterday. Bottom of right foot is swollen and warm, noticeably different from the left. I read an article on this site to treat it...
  11. AnnaCastle

    Best way to sex a week old turkey baby

    Is there a way like with chickens? I.e. looking at wing tip length when they're a couple days old? Sure, we can tell after several weeks when males grow faster and get wattles and "warts" but looking for a way to tell sooner, lol. Also, to someone who asked, yes, females can also sometimes to...
  12. AnnaCastle

    Turkey Chick Sick

    He had not eaten or pooped all day since we separated him. He had gotten progressively, rapidly worse from after 8pm til 9:30, then just went to sleep, only moving if he started to fall over. All checked on him all night, dipping his beak in water (he had stopped drinking my himself). He...
  13. AnnaCastle

    Turkey Chick Sick

    I have a sick turkey chick, Broad-breast kind raised for eating. They are probably less than 2 wks old, 4 of them living in a feed bin. We clean and sterilize and put new bedding every time we change birds in the bin. These guys get generic "game bird / "Meatbird" food, and we give all our...
  14. AnnaCastle

    Male Injured by Fighting - Treatment Advice?

    His eye has been getting gradually better each day, and now he can open it all the way, and -seems- to respond to light, so I don't think he's blind, thankfully. There's still one stubborn little scabby thing on his bottom lid. The spray seems to have helped. If anyone's wondering who has...
  15. AnnaCastle

    Male Injured by Fighting - Treatment Advice?

    Happy to say that this morning he was much better! They both ate all the hardboiled egg, and their regular food too, and both were crowing. The one with eye injuries, right eye was scabbed over and closed, but after we cleaned it, he could open it just a crack.
  16. AnnaCastle

    Male Injured by Fighting - Treatment Advice?

    I don't think the one with the eyes and nose injuries has been eating all day, so getting a big concerned. I read sick/injured birds lose appetite, but also that starvation can kill as fast or faster than the sickness, with their high metabolism. I mashed up a hard boiled egg for him hoping...
  17. AnnaCastle

    Male Injured by Fighting - Treatment Advice?

    Thanks, good to hear he should recover. Sure enough about the fighting, about an hour later another male got his "ear" pecked and bloody. So now he's also in "sick bay." He's much more lively than the first one, who got worse injuries. I gave them and all the quail some veggie yummies...
  18. AnnaCastle

    Male Injured by Fighting - Treatment Advice?

    We have 10 quail, 6 white and 4 brown. They recently started crowing and laying (2 eggs yesterday). As of now they are kept in a large cage on the ground just outside the house, with some greenery and branches for cover. They seem much happier since we put that stuff in the cage. Yesterday...
  19. AnnaCastle

    2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

    Quote: >Well, equal odds as to getting a double yolk egg I have a leghorn who lays them constantly.< Constantly?? Only once in my life, very long ago, did I have a double yolk, in a hard-boiled egg that I ate.
  20. AnnaCastle

    1 wk old chick has anus in wrong place!

    I've been cleaning it every few days as it gets caked up again. Today I noticed it's behind below the butt is quite swollen compared to the healthy chicks, possibly with poo that it's unable to void, poor thing, so we may have to cull it sooner than later. As of now though, it's still active...
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