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  1. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    28 out of 40 hatched and are doing great. I had 3 that couldn't make it out all the way and ended up dying. And 9 that never peeped
  2. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    Nope! I have a naked neck rooster and I had a Australorp rooster but something got him. My hens are mostly leghorns but I have a golden wyndotte and a few randoms
  3. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    One of the naked necks
  4. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    So my eggs hatched! Had about a 75% hatch rate and got some super pretty babies :)
  5. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    Thanks. She was a good little hen.
  6. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    Woot it's stabled out some more it's at 99.5 and 40% Also my favorite hen has been missing for 2 days and I found her in try neighbors pool dead She NEVER left the yard
  7. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    Ok so it ran all night and I just checked it its at 45% I'm going to call that a win and maybe it will balance out more as it runs
  8. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    No. But I have a chick in a brooder with the heat lamp on in there I wonder if that's making it more humid or something. I think I might move her out with the other chicks but she's 2 weeks younger so I don't want her to get picked on. My old incubator shorted out on hatch days and all of the...
  9. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    Just checked it the first time today it says 60 on the digital one and 55 on the petco one running dry...
  10. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    Ok so adding the eggs bumped the digital humidity reader up to 56% but the reader I bought from petco says 40% so I'm just going to leave it alone and see what happens.
  11. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    Ok so it's a farm innovations 4250. And after the water was dumped out and it was left alone for a few hours the humidity level is now 28% on the digital. I did pick up a humidity gauge from petco and it is registering 25% should I add a little water and get it in the 35% range before adding...
  12. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    So I just dumped all the water out and turned it back on and as it stands it's reading 65% which is still crazy high so I'm going to let it run for a little and see if it goes down. In the mean time where can I get a moisture/humidity thermometer?
  13. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    I just filled it. I haven't added any eggs yet. Is 78% ok for the whole incubation process? I was always told 45% until a few days before hatch days and then 65% 78% just seems super high
  14. carpe09diem

    Farm innovations 4250 incubator

    Is there a way to adjust the humidity on the 4250? I plugged it in and the temp says 100 but it won't let me adjust the humidity and its registering at 78%.
  15. carpe09diem

    Incubators Anonymous

    Anyone have a Digital Pro Series Circulated Air Incubator? Model 4250? The temp fluctuates from 99 degrees to 100. But I can't seem to adjust the humidity it stays at 70%. Is that ok? My old incubator was just a table top incubator so it didn't have humidity control. This will be my first batch...
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