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  1. mvktr2


    I'm in Attala County, Kosciusko area with a small backyard flock of 6 hens and a couple roos. 17 more in the brooder; 4 Ameracauna mix, Buff Orp. Mix, & RIR Mix. I stumbled upon this thread looking for a MS Chicken people thread to post a link in. I just started a Facebook page for MS...
  2. mvktr2

    Hello fellow Mississippians

    For my fellow Mississippians I've started a facebook page for Mississippi poultry enthusiast. It's free, not a revenue generating venture, just a FB Community for us to discuss things locally, swap, trade, etc. Just search for 'Mississippi Chicken Community'. or click here...
  3. mvktr2

    Favorite pet hen has mysterious ailment, help?

    Our favorite pet hen has come down ill at the end of last week. When I noticed our favorite and perhaps best egg laying was missing at close-up time for the coop I found her in the yard just laying there. I soon found out she was in fact ill (possibly injured). The problem is she can't...
  4. mvktr2

    Review by '' on item 'Jersey Giant'

    I hatched my JGs from eggs bought on line from show 1 generation removed from show birds. They were a little flighty as young birds but settled down with time. They also seemed to get picked on in a mixed flock as adolescents, not so as adults. I guess I don't have any who are picked on as...
  5. mvktr2

    Review by '' on item 'Leghorn'

    Friendly, take care of themselves fairly well, egg laying machine. What more could one want in an animal kept for eggs and/or enjoyment? I love my 2 white leghorns as they are currently 2.25 years old, outlaying everything in the flock during the winter months (or summer), and since they were...
  6. mvktr2

    Anti White Leghorn Bias?

    I LOVE MY 2 WHT LEGHORN HENS! Seriously, I do. I had watched Food Inc. or some such, had already been thinking of getting some chickens since I had been placed at a church with a parsonage on 3 acres of land. All I was thinking about were those fresh clean eggs I remembered getting from my...
  7. mvktr2

    Darn Opposable Thumbs of Raccoons

    Great thread DM. As for the night predation of your fowl it could be the fox... did you let it go or send it to a permanent retirement home? Schlante, Phillip
  8. mvktr2

    OMG a BEAR Update post # 11

    Grizzlies generally maul to protect young, because they're startled, etc. Rarely eat the victim just maul and move on, usually. Black bears will surely do the same thing (mothers as they are), but generally a startled blk bear runs. If blk bears come after you it's to eat you... YIKES! It's...
  9. mvktr2

    Mystery Chick Evolution

    This is the Lavender chick, my children's favorite. Here's a video taken today. They were hatched on about March 27 making them 5 or maybe 6 weeks old. They are so happy to be outside and out of the coop after several days of terrible weather in Mississippi. Schlante, Phillip
  10. mvktr2

    Mystery Chick Evolution

    Dark Striped chick Light Striped chick with cheek feathers At 3-3.5 weeks old outside getting a bit of son in a coop being built. Another pic on a sunny day.
  11. mvktr2

    Mystery Chick Evolution

    I originally posted pics of a dozen mystery chickens in the 'breed identification' forum. Thought it would be fun to post pics here for all to see how they are evolving from mixed mutts to mixed beauties. All 12 Cinnamon chick Grey/Lavender chick Cinnamon chick More pics coming...
  12. mvktr2

    Step right up, Guess the Barnyard Mix parentage, win a prize! Help?

    More pics, these are from about 3-4 weeks old. I'm not sure what others think, but these are some colorful, dare I say beautiful chickens. Schlante, Phillip
  13. mvktr2

    Step right up, Guess the Barnyard Mix parentage, win a prize! Help?

    Okay so it took me long enough but here are some pics and even a video if I can embed it. Obviously the chicks are going on 6 weeks now, so for waiting so long to update. They've turned out amazingly colorful and diverse. I've got no hesitation about these chickens. I'm just blown away by...
  14. mvktr2

    Ugh! I think i'm a roo...what breed am I? 4-5 week old chicks (PIC)

    I concur, looks like a RIR Roo to me also, but I'm no expert! I posted pics of my RIR as a chick and even at 3.5 months and everyone thought he was a hen. He's only been looking like a true roo for the past 1.5 months or so. Still growing in his roo wattles & comb. Also I just subscribed to...
  15. mvktr2

    Step right up, Guess the Barnyard Mix parentage, win a prize! Help?

    I'll try. So far they're getting in the first wing feathers, I'll update in a week or 2. Until then it's fun just to watch them scurry about! Schlante, Phillip
  16. mvktr2

    Step right up, Guess the Barnyard Mix parentage, win a prize! Help?

    I realize there's probably not a pure-bred one in the bunch. However I'm not sure of what all is in the parent flock, I by no means provided a complete list. As for the 'barred' styled roos he told me what he had 2 of the 3 I listed above, just can't remember which ones, probably rocks &...
  17. mvktr2

    First few eggs produced question?

    Got my first egg Thursday and 2nd Egg Saturday. First egg was fine, simply small like a Bantam hen had laid it though it's from a Wht Leghorn. Got my second egg, also small but with a woefully thin shell. Quite sure it came from the same hen though that is a guess, I only have 3 laying age so...
  18. mvktr2

    Step right up, Guess the Barnyard Mix parentage, win a prize! Help?

    Chick #9 - Reddish yellow chick, more so than RIR chick I've hatched in the past, with yellow feet & Beak Egg Color - Brown I'm guessing this is a heavy Buff Orpington influence Chick #10 Pic 1 Chick #10 Pic 2 - Easter Egger influenced sourced from a Blue/Green egg. yellow down with stripes...
  19. mvktr2

    Step right up, Guess the Barnyard Mix parentage, win a prize! Help?

    Chick #5 - Obvious Americauna influence Yellow legs & Easter Egger stripes with yellow fluff elsewhere Egg Color - Blue/Green Chick 6 pic 1 Chick #6 pic 2 - Very Cinnamon with dark patch on back and grey with grey/yellow legs yellowish beak Egg Color - Unknown - Brown or Easter Egger Chick...
  20. mvktr2

    Step right up, Guess the Barnyard Mix parentage, win a prize! Help?

    Interesting incubation this was. Hit 106 twice, 108 and 110 once each. Started to throw the eggs away a couple of times but figured I'd see what was gonna happen. ALL 12 HATCHED, including 1 - 2 days after the others! LOCAL EGGS ROCK!!!! Anyway these were free local eggs from a neighbor, 6...
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