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  1. muddyriverdogz

    Muddyriverdogzs Member Page

    My Delawares in Illinois January 2010 Just Hatched Cute and fuzzy February 2010 May 2010...
  2. muddyriverdogz

    Help!!! Eggs Not Hatching

    maybe they are overheating and drowning? I don't raise the humidity to 80%, I think the hightest I ever got it was 64% at hatch time. I have the temp lowered to about 100 deg. checked it with 3 dig. therm's average is 100.4 deg. the humidity has fallen to 48%. I have done some reading in...
  3. muddyriverdogz

    Help!!! Eggs Not Hatching

    I have been trying to hatch Delaware eggs for the past month or more. Not all developed, but most did, and didn't hatch out. Last month we had a power outage that killed all my eggs for July! I had the eggs in a spare room, but we started re-doing it for my daughter, and I think the temp was...
  4. muddyriverdogz

    Lost Power & heat dropped in incubator for 6 hrs to 73 deg.

    Thank you all for the encouragement! I was hopefull and plugged them into a cord from the generator and when power was restored yesterday, I moved them back into our spare room and plugged them back into the wall. Thanks all for the help!!!!!
  5. muddyriverdogz

    Lost Power & heat dropped in incubator for 6 hrs to 73 deg.

    We lost power the other day due to a sever wind storm and it was 6 hrs before we got a generator going. I plugged the incubator in, but the heat had already dropped to 73 degrees on our eggs. Some were supposed to hatch next Wed. Should I still try, or do you think that they are already dead...
  6. muddyriverdogz

    Why isint there any Wild Bobwhites anymore?? Darn!!!

    Coyotes!I was hunting and a dog whent on point,a coyote came out right along side the dog and seen me and did a U turn back into the brush.I walked into the brush and found little round piles of feathers.That is what the dog was smelling.I dont know how they are catching them but they are!
  7. muddyriverdogz

    Whats the Difference?

    Whats the difference between Northern Bobwhites and just Bobwhites or other kinds?
  8. muddyriverdogz

    Is it ok to leave eggs in turner?

    Thanks.That makes perfect sence.
  9. muddyriverdogz

    Is it ok to leave eggs in turner?

    I have 8 eggs that arnt going to hatch for another 2 weeks,but i have 2 that are in with them that are do to hatch this tuesday.would it be ok to leave them in the turner just until they hatch then move them to a old metal incubator that i have?
  10. muddyriverdogz

    Another Failure

    Out of 7 eggs one hatched and i helped him out of his shell.He is alive but is having a hard time walking,seems like he's lop sided.2 of the others started to break threw and then just quite.I opened them up and i dont no what happened.Any suggetions im going to try again.Suggestions with the...
  11. muddyriverdogz

    Day 21 waiting wating waiting

    First chick.He doesnt look like he has enuff feathers,Hes been out of his shell for about 7 hours and can only squirm around on his back.Is he OK?
  12. muddyriverdogz

    Day 21 waiting wating waiting

    The first one is out.How long before they stand up and or dry off?
  13. muddyriverdogz

    Day 21 and nothing yet!!

    This is my second try,the first time none developed.Just have to try again if none hatch.
  14. muddyriverdogz

    Day 21 waiting wating waiting

    His name will be "Turbo"if it is a he.
  15. muddyriverdogz

    Day 21 waiting wating waiting

    Day 22 and one chick is half zipped.I dont see anything with the other 6 eggs yet.
  16. muddyriverdogz

    Day 21 waiting wating waiting

    I finaly just heard a chirp.Whewwww.
  17. muddyriverdogz

    Day 21 waiting wating waiting

    It will be exactly day 22 at midnight(I put them in the bator three weeks ago at midnight on Saturday night)Nothing yet.My humidity is running at 80%.Is that to high?
  18. muddyriverdogz

    Day 21 and nothing yet!!

    Still Nothing.I had put 14 eggs into the bator and 7 developed but still nothing.The humidity is 80%,is that to high?
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