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  1. Mlogrono


    Hiya TX folk. I'm in Houston (Cypress area) and I'm looking to relocate 5 chickens. 3 buff Orrington (2 of which are pretty young still) and 2 Australorps. We were trying to get away with keeping them in our deed restricted neighborhood and got busted. Anyone want to take them? I also have 3-5...
  2. Mlogrono


    How do you all keep your chickens cool in the summer?We have a raised hen house with an attached enclosed run. Half of the run is shaded all day and they confine themselves there for the most part, I think to stay cool but they are constantly panting and I feel terrible for them.
  3. Mlogrono

    Do need to feed both layer and Oyster Shell?

    The only layer I have is an older bird. We just got the chickens on Saturday and she has only laid once since then. It's also seriously hot (I'm in texas) so that may also be a problem. Chickens in general are new to me so I'm winging it.... Forgive the pun
  4. Mlogrono


    Hi all, I'm here in Houston! Just adopted 5 of different ages... 2 buff orps and 3 reds (don't know the breed). Definitly in a learning as I go kind of situation. The 2 buffs should be laying any day. 1 of the reds is older and the other 2 are her chick's, I don't really know what age.
  5. Mlogrono

    Do need to feed both layer and Oyster Shell?

    When raising multiple ages and feeding grower how do I provide oyster shells... Just in a second feeder or scattered on the ground? It doesn't seem like they're eating much. I just brought them home Saturday and the one hen old enough has only laid one egg. Previous owner error said she was...
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