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  1. T

    Red, swollen, featherless backside!

    I have an appointment with the vet tomorrow, Thursday. Will update with new information afterwards. Thanks for your responses.
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    Red, swollen, featherless backside!

    Thank you for your reply. An injury could be the root cause. We did not even notice this swelling until we had given her a bath one afternoon to clean up a poopy rear. Will the feather grow back as the infection, if it is that, heals? Would you suggest getting her to a vet for antibiotics...
  3. T

    Bald butt and swollen below vent.

    Hi, We have a hen that has a similar issue but smaller. What happened to this chicken? Do you think draining the swelling was helpful at first?
  4. T

    Red, swollen, featherless backside!

    What happened to your hen when she had this? Did you figure out what caused this? I hope she's still alive! Lyra is still eating and laying eggs perfectly fine and not showing symptoms of anything else wrong. Her backside is soft and has a few scabby bits on it. So if you drain it is that better...
  5. T

    Red, swollen, featherless backside!

    Hello, We have a young hen, Lyra, who has developed a swollen, featherless, soft watery lump beneath her vent between her legs. Her comb is red and perky, she eats and drinks well, lays an egg a day, and seems well otherwise. I applied some antibiotic ointment on some areas that appeared...
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    Searching for VEGETARIAN chicken owners in Tri Cities area of TENNESSEE!

    Hello, We have a small backyard flock and are looking for other individuals in the Tennessee tri-cities area to relate with regarding chickens! Thanks!
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    Sick hen!

    Enid did not make it. She was so weak and had not been eating for about 10 days. We are very sad. She was about 4.5 years old. Thanks for the good thoughts sent our way.
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    Sick hen!

    After trying ACV, Tums, probiotics, yogurt, grit, Wazine -17 and TLC, my lovely BO Enid was still not eating, was very lethargic, and had runny poo. I took her to the vet today where he gave her a full exam and did a fecal float. He saw some parasites but not cocci. We went home with Baytril...
  9. T

    Sick hen! do I give her extra calcium? What about Tums?
  10. T

    Sick hen!

    Thanks for the information. I have some Spectinomycin powder on hand that was prescribed by a vet for my other BO hen. SHe had been treated with Baytril for a foot abcess and when it was not effective he prescribed this one for her. It is indicated for use against E.coli and Mycoplasma...
  11. T

    Sick hen!

    HI, I have one 4 year old BO hen who laid a strange egg within another leathery egg about a week ago. Since then, she has been weak, little appetite, runny poop, sleeps a lot, and her comb is droopy and dark reddish. She vomited clearish liquid so I thought it might be sour crop. I have...
  12. T

    Black australorp 17-18 weeks is this a rooster or a hen

    I was referencing the photos in post #9.
  13. T

    Black australorp 17-18 weeks is this a rooster or a hen

    Hi, I have two BAs15 weeks old. One is crowing, one not. What do the wing feather in the last two photos indicate? Which is hen and which is rooster? Thanks
  14. T

    Australorps breed Thread

    We have two black Australorps...almost 15 weeks old. One is definately a rooster as he is already crowing, but the other has not. We can see saddle feathers coming in on his back and they look pointy and glisteny. What does everyone think about the other one? Hen? Maybe please??? ...
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    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Arrgghh. Are you basing your determination on size/color of comb/wattles? Feathers? All of the above? I guess we thought maybe Australorps had bigger combs/wattles anyway.
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    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    yes I can do that very soon. thank you!
  17. T

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Hello, We acquired two black Australorp chicks on April 15th. They are sweet birds and have meshed well with our two 5 year old buff Orpington hens. They are 14 weeks old today and one of them has a deeper voice and has made a suspiciously "crowing" like sound twice now. We are not allowed...
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