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  1. M

    Lost two hens in a week; both killed in daytime; carcasses partly eaten

    Sorry to hear!! We have coyotes and other predators here. We dug down 2 feet on both sides of our fence and filled it with stone to make it harder for animals to dig in. I'd keep them in until the danger is gone. I agree with the others, trail cams will let you know right away what is trying to...
  2. M

    Is my RIR a Roo?!

    I do't think we're aloud to have roosters where I live. My family has a farm with about 70 free range chickens (that's where we got them from when they were chicks) so he will have a happy home if we can't keep him :( I hope they both aren't roosters, but I think in person, they have too much...
  3. M

    Is my RIR a Roo?!

    Oh no! My girl!! Well we thought my black copper maran was a boy and he started laying first, but we still call "him" Rocky haha. What about Penny? Do you think she is too? Thanks for your help!
  4. M

    Is my RIR a Roo?!

    Hi everyone! Im new to chicken raising. I have 2 ameraucanas, 2 rhode island reds, and 2 black copper marrans, all almost 6 months and three are laying! However, my reds (who are my babies, so sweet) are not laying yet and are huge. Ruby also has a longer shiny black tail feather and darker...
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