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  1. HUGHES555

    Need help breeding meat quails

    I have 2 cages of Italian and have never heard that a double dose of the gold gene is lethal and never had a problem with losing a lot of chicks. I hatch 120 eggs a month of standard brown, jumbo, Tibetan, Italian and A&M. Dont have a problem with any of them having a 25% fatality rate. I may...
  2. HUGHES555

    Female Mounting Female?

    Could be a roo. Ive never seen one of my hen mount another hen (not saying it couldnt happen). Can You post any pics of them? Some you can sex by color but some you cant. If it is one of the ones you cant sex by color then you can vent sex them by turning them over and putting pressure by the...
  3. HUGHES555

    incubator to brooder new coturnix chicks question - ASAP

    With food and water they will be fine as long as you lower the humidity and make sure they have plenty of air.
  4. HUGHES555

    Having a hard time processing quail :(

    I had a hard time when I 1st started. Its normal. You have to turn your emotions off. The thing that help me was to have a radio playing so I could focus on it and not the culling. Now I've done it enough where it doesn't bother me anymore.
  5. HUGHES555

    Baby Quail: Boy or girl?

    It's a boy!
  6. HUGHES555


    I really enjoy them. I believe they are worth it. But if you are keeping for eggs get yourself a pair of quail scissors. They are a must for cracking the eggs.
  7. HUGHES555

    Small Hobby farm with chickens, ducks, quail, rabbits and dogs. Just trying to live a good life.

    Small Hobby farm with chickens, ducks, quail, rabbits and dogs. Just trying to live a good life.
  8. HUGHES555

    Will coturnix roosters mount another rooster?

    He never stated that the other roo moved his tail over. Only that 1 mated the other. one can do his part without the other roo moving his tail that's why a lot of the time you will see them doing it over and over. Because he isn't getting to the spot he wants.
  9. HUGHES555

    Will coturnix roosters mount another rooster?

    It a dominance thing, I see it all the time in my all male cages.
  10. HUGHES555

    What breed????

    Good luck, Please let us know how it works out. I like the jumbo brown better. The A&M seem to be more aggressive.
  11. HUGHES555

    What breed????

    The pheasants will kill any smaller birds if you put them in the same pen.
  12. HUGHES555


    I just place hay on the floor of my wire bottom cages and use tarps to block the wind.
  13. HUGHES555

    What breed????

    The Texas A&M is just a white Coturnix. What most people call Texas A&M is just a English white. A true Texas A&M was bred at Texas A&M to be the size of a jumbo pharoah and be a white meat. If someone has a true Texas A&M they can prove the linage of the birds. If they cant prove it then its...
  14. HUGHES555

    Cochin chick

    Sorry, but it looks like you have yourself a cockerel.
  15. HUGHES555

    Just got done

    Looks nice but you might want to thank about adding some hardware cloth to at least the bottom half of the chicken wire. Chicken wire is make to keep chickens in, not to keep predators out.
  16. HUGHES555

    Quail Adventure... Again!

    I would get 4 to 5. If yo only get 2 and something happens to 1 of them. You could have problems bring a new one in.
  17. HUGHES555

    Will a Texas A&M Hen zcrow

    Ive never had a coturnix quail hen crow. And I have raised more than I can count.
  18. HUGHES555

    One of these is NOT like the others!

    I'm saying rooster.
  19. HUGHES555

    Stunning before slaughtering

    Its easy with a good pair of sharp scissors. It is best to hold them until they stop jerking around it doesn't last long. Cut the head off and hold it over the bucket then the blood will go into the bucket. If you drop it in the bucket then blood will shoot everywhere. The easiest way to do it...
  20. HUGHES555

    Weak chick/late hatch

    I give mine 3 days after the hatch day. If they havent hatched by then, then you might as well give up on them. As they most likely will not survive. If it has taken them that long to hatch because their yoke that sustains them will have been used up. But the poly vi sol works well on helping...
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