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  1. Casefarmss Chicken Coop

    Casefarmss Chicken Coop

    When we bought our house, we inheritted a goat shack that was in shambles. We looked into continuing the previous owner's hobby of raising goats, but with all of the fruit trees we are growing, I figure we would have had a constant battle on our hands. Then, I found myself out of work and...
  2. CaseFarms

    Small comb, lots of eggs?

    One of my easter eggers (the more "yellow" one) lays a cement colored egg with an average of about 6/wk. - over the last three weeks the RIR has only laid a total of 1 or two eggs more. The other one is just plain lazy.
  3. CaseFarms

    Coop flooded, help! Chicken ark?

    Today was the worst of it, so probably that will hit you tomorrow. More rain and heavy (55mph) wind. You could use a can of "Great Stuff" expanding foam and seal any holes/cracks/leaks with it. It is truly great stuff. That will seal out the bad weather. It works pretty much instantly. The...
  4. CaseFarms

    Coop flooded, help! Chicken ark?

    I feel your pain. We're under seige right now. My neighbors 80' eucalyptus just crashed into my yard. The floor of my coop is flooded (1-2" standing water). Luckily, they have the roost/box which is weatherproof and dry - and big enough for the three of them to wait out the storm. Hopefully...
  5. CaseFarms

    restrictive covenants

    Some people love HOAs. Personally, I'd rather live with the possibility my neighbor decides to paint his house pink with green trim than pay fees to someone else so they can tell me what shade of curtains I am allowed to put in my front window (or face fines). We backed out of buying in a...
  6. CaseFarms

    Best Egg Layers

    I get an egg every day (+/- 1-2 hrs = 5-6/wk) from my RIR. Growing up we had a small flock of RIRs and they were consistent layers of good sized (Large) eggs. My Easter Eggers are less consistent, but as long as they lay well in the spring, I'll be ready for Easter!
  7. CaseFarms

    Most complicated website Ive EVER been on

    I dropped out of school in the 5th grade, am certified illiterate, blind, only have one hand (and three fingers on the other), I don't even know what the so-called "Internet" is, I have painted several rooms using oil-based paint with all of the windows and doors closed yet I find this site to...
  8. CaseFarms

    Coyote Patrol

    I agree... large caliber rifle. When they see the gaping hole in their buddy, they probably will lose their appetite for (your) chickens.
  9. CaseFarms

    no eggs yet (*update* FIRST EGG vs storebought post #23)

    Mine laid within a week of switching to Purina Layena. Had been on developer until then. A couple weeks younger than yours. Since then... 2 eggs a day out of 3 hens.
  10. CaseFarms

    what chicken breed for hawk infested area

    Growing up we had two roosters and 8 hens, all RIR... the roosters were able to fend off coyotes for several years. We also had red tailed hawks that had nests in the surrounding trees and fed in the area and a chicken hawk (ugly bird) or two. When the big roo finally went down in what I am...
  11. CaseFarms

    Google Sketchup Coop Design

    I went with the playhouse coop design because it incorporated the run in the same footprint. When the weaher is nice and I'm home to babysit, I can let the girls out to play (and eat my flowers, etc). Solid roof, a couple windows, lot of wire mesh. Can get away with 2x2 studs -- I used 2x3...
  12. CaseFarms

    2nd Easter Egger laid its first egg today and it was....

    Since you're on the subject... Of my two Easter Eggers, one is laying a brown egg (small) and the other a medium light green egg. When I bought them I was hoping for blue. Do true breed Ameraucana (not easter egger) hens ALWAYS lay blue or light green? Thought I read that somewhere. But...
  13. CaseFarms

    WTB - Proven BLUE Layer(s)

    Hi - I promised my son blue eggs, so 6 months ago I bought 2 "Ameraucana"s and a RIR (knew that one wouldnt be blue). They just started laying. Super happy about that, but hoping to still save face (did I mention that I told my entire neighborhood and family that I was raising hens that would...
  14. CaseFarms

    How old was your hen when she laid her 1st egg?

    We have two "Americauna"s and a RIR. They are approx 28 weeks (brought them home 26 weeks ago). We got our first egg - a mottled light olive one (middle) - on Dec 30th. Today there were two eggs - one from the RIR and I'm assuming the second egg from the same "Americauna". The chickens had...
  15. CaseFarms

    First green egg!

    NICE! I want green eggs! My easter eggers gave me some light tan w/ a hint of blue/green. Not green like yours. I'm jealous.
  16. CaseFarms

    When and What to feed my chickens! Help!

    I was feeding mine developer for five and a half months (+ table scraps and free range grass, etc). Just switched to Purina Layer feed last week and got my first eggs this week. They seem to like it.
  17. CaseFarms

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    2/3 today. First egg was two days ago... been waitin' almost 6 months for that day. brown egg is from RI Red, Other two are "easter eggers" - olive and lt green/blue eggs
  18. CaseFarms

    Ended - Coop Contest Fall/Winter 2009 - Win $20 Gift Cert.

    Please add my coop. For what its worth, I think it might work for pigs as well... the big bad wolf has been blowing for 2 days straight and it hasnt fallen over yet.
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