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  1. bridgetcanfly

    Strange wing growth 1 week old

    Thanks for the replies, thats the kind of information I was hoping for. I'll contact our friend in time and see how they're doing but I now feel more confident that I won't hear bad news about that chickies wings :)
  2. bridgetcanfly

    Strange wing growth 1 week old

    I'm just trying to learn as I go and I have found with raising chicks that if you ignore abnormalities when they're young you end up with problems down the track (for example spraddle leg, overgrown beak) so I turn to the awesome chicken community. If you answer questions like that chicknanny...
  3. bridgetcanfly

    Strange wing growth 1 week old

    Hi there, just wondering if anyone knows whether this is abnormal for a 1 week old Pekin chicks new feathering. The other hatch mates have no issues and their wing feathering seems to be coming in fine, there are no frizzle parents birds but being Pekins there could be some throwback genetics in...
  4. bridgetcanfly

    What Breed?

    No I didn't choose, she just gave me an option from their pullets which were Polish, Belgian and Wyandotte or an actual Barnevelder pullet and I said I'd like to have a Barnie. She kept my Leghorn and boxed me up a 10 week old, this is what she looks like: The only problem is she's so small...
  5. bridgetcanfly

    What Breed?

    I took her back and they apologised saying they'd never had this problem before and offered me a similar aged barnevelder from their pullet stock. Thanks all for the replies, really helpful and much appreciated :)
  6. bridgetcanfly

    What Breed?

    Thanks for the reply, I googled Brown Leghorn and that is 100% her!
  7. bridgetcanfly

    What Breed?

    Hi all, I bought a week old chick from our local chicken farm and she convinced me to get a Barnevelder instead saying they were beautiful laced hens, friendly for my son and good layers. Now my hen is 3 1/2 months old and looks nothing like the photos of a Barn and isn't friendly at all...
  8. bridgetcanfly

    Overgrown beak

    Thanks for the advice all, I have cat/small dog trimmers and a file so ill give that a try and see how she goes. I was pretty surprised how fast it grew, she's always had a slightly hooked beak since I bought her as a day old chick so I didn't think much of it but then within the last 2 weeks...
  9. bridgetcanfly

    Overgrown beak

    Hi all, just wondering what you can tell me about overgrown beaks and what to do about them? I've done some research and come up with conflicting opinions; some say cut it yourself in small increments but that it will be an ongoing job for the lifespan of the hen, some say take them to the vet...
  10. bridgetcanfly

    SLW 4 weeks, roo or hen?

    This is what he looks like at 9 weeks, definitely a roo haha
  11. bridgetcanfly

    SLW 4 weeks, roo or hen?

    Thanks all, much appreciated that you took the time to respond :)
  12. bridgetcanfly

    SLW 4 weeks, roo or hen?

    Thanks all, @chelseajgoss your girl seems to be more feathered than my little one and have a small ridged yellow comb in that photo whereas mine has a large pinkish red flat area. It is much lighter than yours too, perhaps mine isn't a Wyandotte then :idunno
  13. bridgetcanfly

    SLW 4 weeks, roo or hen?

    "FantasyFeathers Today at 11:02 pmFlag its got some growing to do before you can be sure but im thinkin roo with that Roman nose. Wyndotte or Chantacler?" It's my first time with chooks so I wouldn't have a clue but the chicken farm I bought him from had him written down as a Wyandotte and was...
  14. bridgetcanfly

    SLW 4 weeks, roo or hen?

    This is my Silver Laced Wyandotte Brian, who will be 4 weeks old this weekend. We were joking that it was a he from the start hence the name Brian, which would change to Brianne if it is actually a pullet So far it's feathers are very slow coming in, it is aggressive and dominant to all the...
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