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  1. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    Hello - my baby girls are about 6.5 weeks old and we have been feeding them flockraiser crumbles with extra niacin. When should we move them to a regular feed and when should we start on a laying mash? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    She is Beautiful!
  3. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    My babies are 3 1/2 weeks old and they went on their first free ranging trip today in the yard. Here are some pics. I love my girls!
  4. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    @Miss Lydia Thanks for your help. We have several health food store in town and I have already called and found some BY. And yes, we are already making plans to improve our seperation of dog and ducks. The little ones are still in the brooder within the coop and the coop and brooder are...
  5. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    We have had them for 2 weeks. We got them as day olds from Metzer Farms. I looked at all my other girls very carefully and she is the only one with this issue. Trying to get information quickly because most of the feed stores in our area are only open on Saturday's until Noon. Any help would...
  6. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    Thank you! I didn't notice in the picture. I looked at her more closely today and yes, she looks like she has bowed legs and what I would call pigeon toed. Everyone else looks fine. Could it possibly be the niacin? I am feeding them Purina Flockraiser crumbles and I thought that would have...
  7. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    So on a happier note my 16 ducklings are now 2 weeks old and man, don't blink or you might miss a day of them getting bigger. Sometimes I can tell they are bigger in the morning from when I last saw them the night before. Here are a few pics of my girls... Here are most of my girls...
  8. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    Sad news, my dogs got into the fenced section of yard where my Gabby stays and she didn't make it. My husband made it home before me, so he took care of everything prior to my getting home. I couln't believe it when he told me what he had found upon his arrival home. I will miss her so much...
  9. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    Oh what a difference a week makes! My babies are growing by leeps and bounds. They are eating and drinking machines...and so adorable. They are all getting so big! Roxanne the Rouen. This is Roxanne the Rouen. She is a leader and very adventurous already. The pic above is...
  10. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    Thanks! Yes all girls. I have already named the smallest Blue Swedish Greta. She's a fighter. She was a little lethargic a couple hours after they arrived and looked like she was laying down when all the others were sitll running, drinking and eating. I dipped her bill a couple more times...
  11. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    My new babies arrived this morning and I am already in love with all 16 of them. We got 4 Rouens, 4 Blue Swedish, 4 Golden 300s, and 4 Welsh Harlequins. There was one Rouen that was sitting off by itself after I put them in their brooder so I dipped her beek a second time in the water and she...
  12. Gabby2016

    Duck Houses

    So we finished our duck coop for arrival of the new babies. Here is the progress and finished product. If anyone has suggestions of how to make it better, please let me know. Thanks!
  13. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    Thanks! That's a good idea. Yes, I had thought about the paint pan idea for swimming until they get older and get their protective oil on the feathers. I am really excited and thanks for the input!
  14. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    Yes, thanks. The bulbs that I bought stats they are waterproof and explosion proof. There were two to the package. I will see how well they heat prior to the new babies arrivals to see if I need to go get a 2nd lamp. Thanks again for your input!
  15. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    Get ?????
  16. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    @PINOAK RIDGE and @ Amiga... I finally figured out how to post pics. This is my sweet girl Gabby. She is about 6-7 months old, but not sure because she just showed up in out yard a couple months ago and has never left. She is giving us a large, beautiful egg every morning. Some companions...
  17. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    I believe it is 54x35x45. Will this be enough space? I have done tons of research and thought I was planning appropriately, but any input you can give would be grateful. We have our coop built which is 16x8 and have a place to hook the heat lamps if still necessary when they outgrow the...
  18. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    Yes, I have a thermometer I got from Tractor Supply that has the degrees and weeks listed for ther ducklings. They are scheduled to ship 10/31 and arrive 11/2. I plan to have everything set up by the ship date. I was worried that just one heat lamp wouldn't be enough for the number of...
  19. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    Hello. We have 16 ducklings scheuduled to ship from Metzer Farms next week. I have an extra large dog crate set up as a brooder for them for the first couple of weeks and was wondering if one heat lamp would be enough for them or should I expect to have to use a second. Our coop is built and...
  20. Gabby2016

    The Duck Thread

    I have a question about rotating my duck's pool...we seen to be getting a lot of flies on the ground around the pool. I usually empty and refill once a day. Are the flies because I'm not moving the pool to different locations enough or that maybe I'm refilling to often, and pouring the mucky...
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