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  1. Dagmarvelous

    I have mites! (I think my chicken does too!)

    Chickassan! Thanks for making me laugh. I need humor through this, it's terrible!!
  2. Dagmarvelous

    Dusting boxes

    Chickens definitely need a place to dust themselves. It's their way of staying clean, getting mites/parasites off them, as well as cooling down. If they have access to an open yard/area, they will chose a place with loose/loamy dirt or sand. They tend to pick the places you don't want them...
  3. Dagmarvelous

    I have mites! (I think my chicken does too!)

    I've been following a couple of other threads on mites.... I just did a Permethrin bug bomb thing in the coop. The chickens were moved to another part of the yard (with a big lawn, so they're happy!). The coop is airing out now. I also put together a dusting tray full of playsand, DE and...
  4. Dagmarvelous

    I have mites! (I think my chicken does too!)

    Does that kill them? Or just keep them off me? I've changed my sheets everyday so far, and am very careful about touching anything in the coop/yard, or bringing any more mites inside. Thanks for your help!
  5. Dagmarvelous

    I have mites! (I think my chicken does too!)

    I'm freaking out here! I've been getting bites... I thought at first mosquitoes, then maybe fleas. But I now believe they are some sort of mite!! Yikes!! I have 5 hens, a dog and a cat. The cat likes to hang out in the yard with the chickens, and then sometimes she'll sleep on the foot...
  6. Dagmarvelous

    Found Wild Mallard egg on sidewalk!

    A friend of mine found a mallard egg on the sidewalk near the pond in her community. The maintenance crew wanted to throw it away, but she grabbed it. Now it's under my broody hen. (Ugh!) Not sure if it's even viable, so this may be a moot point. But if so, what do I do if it hatches? I...
  7. Dagmarvelous

    MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

    First time Broody-Hatcher here... I have a Silkie that goes broody every 6-8 weeks. It take me several weeks to break her, and then 2-3 weeks later she's back on a nest doing her best to hatch non-fertile eggs. So last week I broke down and bought 7 eggs from Papa's Poutlry. So I'm in...
  8. Dagmarvelous

    Guess the gestation of chick that didn't not survive.....

    I'd say 18. Fully developed but didn't absorb the yolk yet. So sorry!
  9. Dagmarvelous

    Are my chicks lavender orpingtons?

    Robgray, Can you post more pics of your chicks? I've got several different orp colors in the bator right now and want to be able to identify them when they hatch. Thanks!
  10. Dagmarvelous

    Comment by 'dagmarvelous' in media ''

    4" PVC pipe. Works fabulously!
  11. Dagmarvelous

    San Clemente California Chicken Ordinance

    San Clemente California Chicken Ordinance Are Chickens Allowed in this location No Max Chickens Allowed Roosters Allowed No Permit Required No Coop Restrictions City/Organization Contact name City of San Clemente Kim Kurtz - Animal Services 949-361-8200 [email protected]...
  12. Dagmarvelous

    I really srewed up

    Who is it? What's their name on eBay or Craig'sList? Maybe if we get the word out, Karma will work faster!
  13. Dagmarvelous

    She is still squashing chicks?

    That is the funniest thing I've seen in a while!! Well, once a mom, always a mom. I still love to cuddle with my two grown boys!!
  14. Dagmarvelous

    resting the butchered birds

    I was taught to put them in the fridge for a full 24 hours before you freeze them. This helps the rig-a-mortis relax and they won't be so tough when you eat them. I froze my first birds right away and ended up having to use them only for soups and shredded stuff. But once learning that...
  15. Dagmarvelous

    Free Ranging and laying....

    My 3 girls free range all throughout the day, and have just started laying. I was afraid of the same thing, so I check all around the backyard every evening. It's been two weeks, and I know at least 2 girls are laying. One lays during the night, from the roost (which we are trying to break...
  16. Dagmarvelous

    Easy Roosting Pole Designs/Plans?

    Tree branches! About an inch or two wide. The chickens like them because they are NOT an even surface and therefore can get a better grip. Plus you are reducing your carbon footprint!!
  17. Dagmarvelous

    Could I make this my coop?

    We absolutely have rats that scurry along the top of the block walls that surround our yard (and all the neighboring yards). We've probably always had them, but they've definately honed in on our property since the arrival of the girls. Although I think they are gross, and they are probably...
  18. Dagmarvelous

    poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

    Total outlaw! In the heart of suburbia, AND in an over-picky HOA. I'm a secret keeper of chickens FOR SURE!!!
  19. Dagmarvelous

    Could I make this my coop?

    I'm in San Clemente and use a rabbit hutch exactly the same, bought it on Craig's List for $40. I built an enclosure around it. It is holding up just fine. If you want pictures of what I've done, PM me and I'll send them to you.
  20. Dagmarvelous

    Free Black Australorp Roosters, 3 mos, pick-up/meet in San Clemente,CA

    I have 6 almost full grown Black Australorp roosters, that we are giving away. I hatched them on Christmas Day, and they are all very friendly. Two are much bigger than the others, but all of them are still growing. they currently free range in our "urban" backyard for a few hours each day...
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