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  1. Madeleinepb

    Update on my ducks pond & habitat....!!

    At first I put em in their kiddie pool and they didn’t want so anything with em. So I had to hand pick each fish out for em to eat em. Plus they are feeder fish so they are small. Maybe once they get little bigger, they might eat em. But who knows, cuz these ducks are weird.
  2. Madeleinepb

    Update on my ducks pond & habitat....!!

    Update: On my ducks habitat & pond. Now they have three water source to bath, swim or do whatever they want. We planted all their plants in & around the habitat. I added a few goldfish & water plants in & around the pond. The plant you see floating on top is duckweed. I can wait til everything...
  3. Madeleinepb

    My ducks new pond!!

    My ducks have like 7 different plants in their habitat and they haven’t touch a single plant. They have a strawberry plant, 5 pea plants, lettuce, spring mix and mustard greens and grass. All these plants are growing without any harassment from my ducks.
  4. Madeleinepb

    My ducks new pond!!

    Yes it is. Because eventually once I get money the pond is gonna have lots of water plants for em to eat and also help clean the pond.
  5. Madeleinepb

    My ducks new pond!!

    Right now we have a bio filter for the pond and plus we are gonna add lots of water plants in and around the pond
  6. Madeleinepb

    My ducks new pond!!

    Just finished building my ducks new pond on Tuesday. We aren’t quite done yet. We still gotta add water plants in and around the pond. But I love how it turn out.
  7. Madeleinepb

    Safe plants for ducks?

    Thanks for all the ideas everyone. Me and my mom are gonna grape vines and few other plants. I also decided for the ground inside their Habitat we are gonna grow Irish moss and clovers so it’s soft on their feet. I also put up hanging lights and a bird feeder over the grass area. When everything...
  8. Madeleinepb

    Safe plants for ducks?

    My dad built my ducks habitat for me. Its 30ft x 10ft. I want to plant safe plants in their habitat. So far I have planted strawberries, pea plants, lettuce, mustard greens, and spring mix and grass. I’m wondering about any safe climbing plants we can put on the outside of their habitat. I heard...
  9. Madeleinepb

    Question about my male Muscovy Jafar

    That he does
  10. Madeleinepb

    Question about my male Muscovy Jafar

    He’s my only drake. Just him and females. Plus he hasn’t molted yet. We did loose my one female to a bald eagle two weeks ago. But he has new female and hopefully in the next month I will be getting another new female. When he sees us in the morning he will throw himself at his pen to let him out.
  11. Madeleinepb

    Question about my male Muscovy Jafar

    Jafar is a year and a month old. He’s on duck feed, cracked corn and free range. I have checked him for mites and fleas. And I don’t see anything.
  12. Madeleinepb

    Question about my male Muscovy Jafar

    There are two pics up now
  13. Madeleinepb

    Question about my male Muscovy Jafar

    So pretty much he has lost all his feathers on his head and all that red skin is all over his head now. My question is: Is this normal??
  14. Madeleinepb

    Today I lost my female duck Ms. Daisy. She will be missed and loved

    Today I lost my female duck Ms. Daisy. She will be missed and loved
  15. Madeleinepb

    Help! Help! Please

    UPDATED: The news was bad and we had to put female duck down. There was more issues dealing with her spine and lungs.
  16. Madeleinepb

    Help! Help! Please

    I called the vet and I made another appointment with em little later today. My mom is gonna take her and I hope and pray she will make a full recovery and live a long and happy life.
  17. Madeleinepb

    Help! Help! Please

    Bac gel, metacam and clavamox
  18. Madeleinepb

    Help! Help! Please

    On Sunday my female duck got attacked by a bald eagle. Took her to the vet and she had to have surgery. She had to get stitches. She’s home now and she’s on 3 different medications. She is away from my male duck and she’s in the house in a kettle. I have a heating pad in the kettle with her for...
  19. Madeleinepb


    I saw some of those posts. Thanks again. I emailed couple of them and asked if they been hand raised around people and other animals. Jafar has been an indoor/outdoor duck. And she has been raised around dogs and cats. She plays with my one dog sometimes but she’s prefer to chill with the cats.
  20. Madeleinepb


    I did and nothing in the Kitsap county area. When I lived in NC I traveled 2hrs to get my Muscovy duck a friend. But once I did looked Muscovy duck in wa state I found a few posts. Look like I’m gonna have to travel another 2hrs or so for another friend for my baby girl Jafar. But thank you again
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