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  1. idealfriends

    *CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

    This is my first candeling on day 7 any body pls comments all are ok or not and in all eggs air pocket is near about 30% what's I do now
  2. idealfriends

    Candling picture & question

    Any body pls tell me what's going its my first candeling on day 7 Thanks
  3. idealfriends

    Everyone, post your best homemade chicken feed recipes!

    How do I exact calculate nutritional value exact formula
  4. idealfriends

    Nutritional needs during egg laying

    I live in pakistan
  5. idealfriends

    Everyone, post your best homemade chicken feed recipes!

    Than what can i add for vitamins any suggestion pls
  6. idealfriends

    Everyone, post your best homemade chicken feed recipes!

    I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains . Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
  7. idealfriends

    Want to know nutritional value of feed

    I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains . Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
  8. idealfriends

    Nutritional needs during egg laying

    I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains . Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
  9. idealfriends

     Fodder types--nutrition and practical suggestions

    I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains . Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
  10. idealfriends

    Chicken Nutrition- What Your Chicken Needs in Its Feed

    I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains . Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
  11. idealfriends

    Best source of protien to get high Omega 3 eggs

    I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains . Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
  12. idealfriends

    Hens eating too much?

    I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains . Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
  13. idealfriends

    Dead molting hens

    I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains . Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
  14. idealfriends

    Average pounds of feed per month for 11 chickens?

    I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains . Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
  15. idealfriends

    Average pounds of feed per month for 11 chickens?

    Can I add more eggs in incubAtor in start I add 27 eggs I want to add more is there any temperature issue or not today 2nd day to start my incubator
  16. idealfriends

    Incubator Humidity

    Yes my incubator is home made I use 3 bulb of 60 watts and temperature set to 37.4 low and high 37.7
  17. idealfriends

    Incubator Humidity

    Yes i first add eggs than start incubator and its not still air incubator fan installed in it and close all holes of incubator means almost air tight
  18. idealfriends

    Incubator Humidity

    [/IMG] I use both hygrometer both same result first i put my eggs in incubator than water small container and than I on my incubator. I use 3 bulb of 60 watts in incubator
  19. idealfriends


    Yes i put small water container inside humidity is 80 and today is day first
  20. idealfriends

    Incubator Humidity

    Today I start my incubator first time I add 27 eggs in incubator every thing working fine just humidity level 80 what I do to reduce humidity. Outside incubator my normal humidity is 55 to 60
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