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  1. Luettgenchicken

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello chicken fam. We have been busy, our almost year old ladies have settled in(minus 1 from Hawk attack) My favorite greybee, a lavender Ameracauna(short for grey baby since we already have grey bird a lavender Orpington) loves to holler at me for attention and a pick up. Lost 4 adults, I...
  2. Luettgenchicken

    chicken attacked by raccoon

    Us too this morning. During the day. Not sure what it was the the whole flock is dazed and scared. I feel terrible. I’m sorry it happened to you too.
  3. Luettgenchicken

    Orange yolks, thin shells and sometimes shell less eggs-what could be the issue

    Thank you. Ok, will try those. Hubby took off feed tag. It's Sprout layer feed. It has been very hot here.
  4. Luettgenchicken

    Orange yolks, thin shells and sometimes shell less eggs-what could be the issue

    This is another chicken and when I picked it up water ran out of it. Wasn’t like egg white it was water. Super soft shell. Like tissue paper or maybe a bit harder. Again orange yolk. This is from our amber link.
  5. Luettgenchicken

    Orange yolks, thin shells and sometimes shell less eggs-what could be the issue

    Yes, they are filled with straw. I just cleaned them out yesterday and used a granular mix under the straw. Its supposed to help keep odor down and bugs away. I think it has some DE in it. Its weird that we are just now getting orange eggs with problems like this. Like it should be a sign of...
  6. Luettgenchicken

    Border Collie Appreciation Thread!!!!

    Our 3 yr old border collie loves baby chicks. She literally will stand watch over them for hours. Outside she circles their make shift run keeping an eye on them. Will not move unless you make her come in. When they sqauk she tends to them in case soemthing is a matter. She keeps the big chicks...
  7. Luettgenchicken

    Orange yolks, thin shells and sometimes shell less eggs-what could be the issue

    I think it’s my barred rock that is having laying issues. First we were running into the barred rock and the lavender Orpington breaking and eating the eggs. We added fake eggs and that seem to help a little bit. But now we’re getting shellless eggs and or very weak eggs. I have a oyster shells...
  8. Luettgenchicken

    Topic of the Week - Feeding mealworms, bugs etc.

    Mealworms and sunflower seeds. But they forage and occasionally I’ll help them get crickets and worms. That’s as live as I get.
  9. Luettgenchicken

    Our chickens! Breeds?

    What beautiful birds.
  10. Luettgenchicken

    Chickens not what I ordered

    I’m babysitting them outside.along with my border collie. Waiting on coop and run to be complete. New stuff for these ladies . Can’t have them inside all the time. Yesterday rained and was cold. Got them in early May. A couple of my other ones. They get to free roam.
  11. Luettgenchicken

    Chickens not what I ordered

    Pullets or hens. Nt pullets are hens
  12. Luettgenchicken

    Chickens not what I ordered

    Oh my God I was on one site and it said pullets are hens and I’m like s**t. Thank the lord. I’m learning. Have had chickens like 6 years . Every day is a new lesson.
  13. Luettgenchicken

    Chickens not what I ordered

    Like a pinkish color
  14. Luettgenchicken

    Ended Guess When BYC Will Reach 490,000 Members!

    Where do you post your guess?
  15. Luettgenchicken

    Chickens not what I ordered

    Hello, I’m hoping you guys can help. We ordered Easter Eggers and lavender Orpington‘s from cackle hatchery. Through a farm store. When we picked them up, I didn’t notice, but some of the chickens had feathers on their feet. Those are definitely not what I ordered. I’m wondering if they’re...
  16. Luettgenchicken

    Raw butt

    I was thinking about the molting and it’s possible because we did change the lighting in our coop, but only two of them were affected so either the other chickens are super chill and the change didn’t stress them out or it’s something else.
  17. Luettgenchicken

    Raw butt

    I used that stinky yellow stuff someone mentioned above. Not sure if it helped or not.
  18. Luettgenchicken

    Raw butt

    I don’t think she’s laying eggs. This was today
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