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  1. ivoryraiza

    New member - First time owner

    Quote: @NFC Were planning to build a bigger and wider brooder for the chicks. I'll make sure to remember those measurement. Thank you again! :)
  2. ivoryraiza

    New member - First time owner

    Quote: Thank you @Teila! I do enjoy learning from this website. I have been consulting this site since we got the chicks.
  3. ivoryraiza

    What breed are my chicks?

    Yeah, I guess I need to wait a bit more till they fully grow. I dont even know they're gender, but I think your right, it seems they are males.The black one has some kind of highlights, like a light brown feather coming out. I will be posting updated pics. Thank you Donrae! :)
  4. ivoryraiza

    New member - First time owner

    @NFC We had to take them in, poor chicks, we found them feeling cold and hungry. They used to be in a long box, we decided to get them a big cage few days ago and they seem to be outgrowing the cage too fast. How long will it take for them to be adults? Maybe in a week or two?
  5. ivoryraiza

    What breed are my chicks?

    Hi! We rescued them from the dump, we have no idea where they originally came from. What do you think? They're big legs and feet catches my attention all the time.
  6. ivoryraiza

    New member - First time owner

    Thank you! I do hope everything goes well too. They grow so fast. They've been with us for about a month now and they are bigger that my fist now. I remember they used to be small in a week's age.
  7. ivoryraiza

    New member - First time owner

    I posted a cleared photo. One user said its a bantam, is that right?
  8. ivoryraiza

    New member - First time owner

    Thank you! Im still trying to learn how to use this website. :)
  9. ivoryraiza

    New member - First time owner

    Quote: Thank you! Those people were just too heartless for throwing them, they were still alive!
  10. ivoryraiza

    What breed are my chicks?

    Thanks! @Tashaf
  11. ivoryraiza

    New member - First time owner

    I got a slightly clearer photo. Maybe this will help.
  12. ivoryraiza

    What breed are my chicks?

    Are they both bantams?@Tashaf
  13. ivoryraiza

    What breed are my chicks?

    I took another photo. They get nervous when I open their cage.
  14. ivoryraiza

    What breed are my chicks?

    Can someone help me to find out which breed are my chicks? Photos attached. the camera doesn't do them much justice.
  15. ivoryraiza

    New member - First time owner

    Thank you for welcoming me! Can anyone help me in determining the breed of my chicks? I have attached some photos. The camera doesn't give them much justice.
  16. ivoryraiza

    New member - First time owner

    Hi! Im Ivory! I'm a first time owner of chicks. We rescued two chicks from the dump when someone threw them,they were about a week old or two that time. Now they've been with us for almost a month, happy and healthy. I've been reading forums in this site on how to take care of chicks, I hope I...
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