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  1. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    So I need some help, I took 3 eggs from my guineas and put them in with our Silkie chicken and she's been laying on them. When I candle the eggs I can see the babies inside movie around and do my question is how much longer should they have till they hatch.
  2. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    Should I separate the males and females once they start going broody or should they be ok?
  3. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    If my guineas are laying their eggs randomly will they still sit on them. I find them scattered in the coop
  4. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    my guineas just started laying eggs but they haven't layed on them yet so when do they start the hatch them.
  5. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    the weather is getting warmer and my guineas are starting to have some laying behavior, i found a female laying down in really tall grass and just staying there so hopefully they will begin to lay. i just bought some laying crumble along with pellets, corn, chicken scratch grains, and oyster shell
  6. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    I'm thinking of getting lavender guineas this year but idk if they breed with my pearls if it will come out lavender or pearl. i also heard that they are easily targeted cause their lighter in color
  7. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    if i leave them in the enclosed pen will they eventually lay the eggs in there?
  8. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    yea mine are free range but I've had them penned up for the past week. i have 8 and they all come back at night so i guess their not laying yet. I'm lucky to have a pen for them right now so that when they do start laying they are safe and protected. i just bought some oyster shell for them but...
  9. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    Alright thx I was just wondering cause I'm from Texas and the weather has been decently warm and they still haven't started laying yet
  10. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    My guineas are 38 weeks old will they start laying this spring? Thx
  11. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    Yea i had 9 guineas and my neighbors dog came over and killed 1. they were obviously spooked and they stayed home for about 2 days before leaving my property. I've come to notice that the more you're around them and feed them the more tame they become. i had them with my peacocks for about a...
  12. GuineaHale

    Guinea talk.

    Mine travel all over my neighborhood and they come home every night and roost in the same spot. I didn't really trained them that way i was just lucky enough they chose that spot. i have them penned up right now because of laying season and hoping to hatch some eggs. Ive never fed mine oyster...
  13. GuineaHale

    Why I Love Guinea Fowl

    I also just got 2 peacocks
  14. GuineaHale

    Why I Love Guinea Fowl

  15. GuineaHale

    Why I Love Guinea Fowl

    I decided to start this thread because I've been raising guineas for almost a year now and Im always being amazed by these crazy birds. I have a total of 8 pearl gray guineas, i started out with 12 keets but slowly 4 disappeared. They are now 36 weeks old, Everyone says their great foragers...
  16. GuineaHale

    Why do you raise Peafowl?

    I just recently bought two 10 month old india blue peafowl. We put them in a green house till i could finish the netting over their pen and disaster strikes the next day. The wind picked up the whole green house peafowl and all and blew away. Luckily when i got home we were able to find them and...
  17. GuineaHale

    Farm Related Photography. Pictures are the best Advertisement!

    Yea we will be breeding them eventually
  18. GuineaHale

    Farm Related Photography. Pictures are the best Advertisement!

    Yea we just got 2 10 month old peafowl yesterday so hopefully it works out
  19. GuineaHale

    Farm Related Photography. Pictures are the best Advertisement!

    My phone camera sucks
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