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  1. Lubbock Texas Chicken Ordinance

    Lubbock Texas Chicken Ordinance

    Lubbock Texas Chicken Ordinance Are Chickens Allowed in this location Yes Max Chickens Allowed Six without a permit and more than 6 requires a permit Roosters Allowed No Permit Required More than 6 requires a permit Coop Restrictions...
  2. tcp97b

    Anyone around Abilene, Texas willing to show me how to process birds?

    That's correct. How to send them to Freezer Camp, etc. I'd like to learn how to kill, scald, pluck, etc. I passed on the Cornish X though. Not enough time to deal with them. Thanks!
  3. tcp97b

    Anyone around Abilene, Texas willing to show me how to process birds?

    I've recently seen an add on Craigslist for Cornish X for $5.00 - unprocessed. There are 13 of them. I could also just get a couple @ $6.00 each. Anyone in the Abilene area willing to show me how the deed is done? Ty
  4. tcp97b

    Bareback Hens....How do I fix it???

    I had several do the same thing. I don't have a rooster, so all I can figure out is stress from heat or the onset of their laying. They are all wearing saddles now and have good feather regrowth. Before the saddles the others would just pick the pin feathers out.
  5. tcp97b

    Cotton trailer chicken coop ***** UPDATE*****

    Quote: Great idea. I'm in Abilene and grew up in Roscoe. Lots of cotton trailers around. I'll have to file that away for a future portable free range coop....
  6. tcp97b

    April Fools - New BYC Store Product: The EggCell !!

    I wonder if the radiation from the EggCell is sufficient to cook an egg? I'll have to try when I get mine.
  7. tcp97b

    Installing Chicken Wire - OR - Take it back??

    I took it back, got 2x4 welded, 14 gauge. Got the whole run done including wire on top yesterday. I will add 2x6's across the bottom between posts and 2x4's across the top. This is a "hobby", so I try to space purchases out so my dear wife doesn't get too frustrated... Thanks!
  8. tcp97b

    chicken coop fencing decisions....

    Maybe I can help out.. On Saturday I bought 1x1 galvanized chicken wire/poultry netting to fence and cover my 20'x7' run with. I could not get it taught, it was very, very flexible, and like roaminggnome said - I don't think it would keep anything out. I don't think I have a predator problem...
  9. tcp97b

    Installing Chicken Wire - OR - Take it back??

    Well, I took down what I had put up. Rolled it back up (it is almost back to original size)..., and will return it to Lowes tomorrow. Let's hope they take it back. Thanks for the help! Ty
  10. tcp97b

    chicken poop neutralizers

    Spray down the river rock with a hose end sprayer that puts out a focused jet. Rake/mow, then spray or use the sprinkler on the lawn. I've been doing this on the side walks and grass areas. It works great.
  11. tcp97b

    Installing Chicken Wire - OR - Take it back??

    The predator issue is not huge. We are in town, I have never seen a coon around - not even as road kill. I also have never ever seen a weasel (we are in West Texas). The fenced run is in a backyard that also has a picket fence. I do have a dog, she is very gentle. I realize she could try to...
  12. tcp97b

    Installing Chicken Wire - OR - Take it back??

    Just bought 1x1 chicken wire/poultry netting to install around my new run. It is a fixed run 20'x7'. The posts are spaced 8' on center, with the last post on each side being 4' from the previous. Looks like this: x--------x--------x----x |...
  13. tcp97b

    Konichiwa from Texas- Wait, what?

    Welcome to BYC. I'm out in Abilene - about three hours west of you on Interstate 20...
  14. tcp97b

    Hey Delaware this a Roo?

    I vote Roo also. I had one that had the same markings down his back. SpeckledHen called it "smut" running from the hackles down the back. I have two other delawares, their backs are pure white.....
  15. tcp97b

    Texas Snow!!! - Pic heavy

    We had three inches over in Abilene, it melted quick though. The postholes I have dug for the run now have about 6" of water in them. Oh well. This has been weird weather. Do you still have power?
  16. tcp97b

    Privett Hatchery

    That's where our feed store orders from. Privett had a little tri-fold mailer that the feed store gave me with the breeds. Here is their website: - It says to call for a catalog. I have production reds, SLWs, GLWs, and Delawares from them.
  17. tcp97b

    Feeding chicken meat?!

    I was thinking about giving my girls some Purina Dog Chow as a protein boost treat last night, but stopped after I saw it had "poultry by-product meal" in it. So is that safe to feed as a treat? Thanks>
  18. tcp97b

    Sick of the 'yotes

    You might check state hunting regulations. Some will have regs against baiting - they may allow calling though through the use of predator calls that sound like a dying rabbit, etc... In Texas you can use a spotlight (use a Red covered lens) to light them up.
  19. tcp97b

    Delaware Pullet or Roo?

    I found him a home! One of my co-workers lives in the country and has poultry. The roo moved out on Tuesday. Thanks!
  20. tcp97b

    What do I *really* need to raise chicks?

    I'm a first timer - but I can comment as far as keeping them in the house goes. I got ten from my local feed store on Dec. 25 (Christmas present from my wonderful wife!). They were to go in my "Man cave" (spare bedroom we keep closed off) until I got the coop ready. I put them in a 6 square...
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