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  1. Ohmyheart

    Cornish cross with respiratory infection...

    Thank you, I think we will keep the ones that have recovered but dispatch the others. They are real bad off. The infection came from a rooster we got by someone dumping him off on us. He was isolated but he spread it to them.
  2. Ohmyheart

    Cornish cross with respiratory infection...

    So as the title says I have some Cornish cross with RI. I know must will just dispatch them and call it a day. But if I do treat the infection once cleared up would they be safe to eat? Of course after withdraw time ect. They aren't at the size to off them just yet anyway.
  3. Ohmyheart

    Brahma Rooster?

    Wow so much to learn still. Thank you all. I almost sold her because we aren't allowed roosters in the city.
  4. Ohmyheart

    Brahma Rooster?

    Thanks everyone, we thought for sure rooster because how much bigger it is.
  5. Ohmyheart

    Brahma Rooster?

    My guess is rooster, what do you think? He's almost 5 months.
  6. Ohmyheart

    Need help sexing and breed info Please!

    Thank you all, I looked up Crele OEG and looks like a match.
  7. Ohmyheart

    Need help sexing and breed info Please!

    No the city is a bit crabby when it comes to roosters. I was really hoping to be wrong that he was indeed a he.
  8. Ohmyheart

    Need help sexing and breed info Please!

    I think some sort of Old English Game. At first some said self blue. Don't think that is right looking at her/him now. My daughter is really hoping this is a girl, but at 2 months and that read comb and waddles tells me boy. What are your thoughts on breed and sex?
  9. Ohmyheart

    Bumblefoot question

    Thank you, I worried it might be something else since it just came off. All I was trying to do was scrape off the dirt so I could get a better look.
  10. Ohmyheart

    Bumblefoot question

    Just today we noticed my olive egger limping. Picked her up and notice one foot swollen. i used the tip of my nail to scrape off some dirt and out popped the kernel. You can see the hole it left. My questions this is bumblefoot correct and what else do I do? I'm googling and searching on here.
  11. Ohmyheart

    Dried Petals Advice Requested

    Many herbs are good too. I have mint growing on the outside of their run. As it grows crazy and gets in the hens eat it.
  12. Ohmyheart

    Egg cartons

    I'm going to go search amazon again. I did look for Jumbo but I will go again and it has been a long day.
  13. Ohmyheart

    Egg cartons

    I might have to go buy eggs just for jumbo cartons. It will probably be cheaper than what I'm finding now. Here's a picture of my Pekin's egg next to my other Pekin's egg.
  14. Ohmyheart

    Egg cartons

    I have a few regulars that do. The odd regular that never does. that guy will get the eggs in a cheapo carton with elastics lol
  15. Ohmyheart

    Egg cartons

    Yes this is something I was thinking too. i don't want to pay crazy money and have to charge crazy prices. I'm already having trouble figuring out what to charge for duck eggs. I sell my very large chicken eggs for 3$ and one of my customers told me I need to raise my prices lol.
  16. Ohmyheart

    Egg cartons

    i know the price is crazy. I bought a some off of Ebay for 9 bucks and they are huge. i thin I will keep them and just put a nice napkin in it to cradle the eggs a bit. If I run out I will just use the chicken egg cartons. I suspect my duck egg buyers will be the ones that already bring back my...
  17. Ohmyheart

    Egg cartons

    Thank you, it's hard finding egg cartons that will hold a 3 in tall egg. Too bad that carton is a bit too expensive to be handing out.
  18. Ohmyheart

    Egg cartons

    I saw both of those online. Amazon reviews say the one won't hold duck eggs. Do you have any experience? I went to TSC as online says they have them in stock. Sadly they do not I guess someone walked off with the last one as the clerk said their records showed one left. It was nowhere to be...
  19. Ohmyheart

    Egg cartons

    I'm having a hard time finding duck egg cartons. I ordered some off of Ebay as it said Duck,goose and turkey eggs. They are way too big for my duck eggs. I have large and extra large cartons in the house for my chickens eggs. But my Pekins eggs won't fit in those. She's only just starting and...
  20. Ohmyheart

    They don't fear the dogs

    My chickens are not afraid of my dogs. They know they cannot get to them. Right from the start the dogs were told no even if they ran to the secure chicken run. I just used the word NO repeatedly. Now even my lab can be around my chickens, and he has been right next to them in their non secure...
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