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  1. beasknees

    Once shy rooster suddenly friendly and social

    He has not challenged us and still moves out of our way. We have had some nasty roosters in the past, none started out like this. This is a new one on us.
  2. beasknees

    Once shy rooster suddenly friendly and social

    Thanks for the insight. He is a little over a year old. We will watch him. Hopefully he stays kind.
  3. beasknees

    Once shy rooster suddenly friendly and social

    Our flock consists of 12 hens and 3 roosters. Two of the roosters are barred rocks (one is dominant and one is second in command) and the other is a bantam with no authority. The roosters have always stayed on the edge of the flock and kept watch when we are giving treats and attention while the...
  4. beasknees

    Easter Egger Pics!!!

    We recently got 4 Easter egger hens. One enjoys sitting on our son
  5. beasknees

    Hello from Illinois!

    My husband and I have had a small mixed flock of about 20 for 2 years now and have really enjoyed them. We got an incubator and are now the proud parents of 33 new babies! With all this excitement we realized we are chicken crazy. Our next project will be breeding and showing chickens with our...
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