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  1. TurkeyTimes

    Royal Palm Breed Standard issues

    So I want to start a newer thread on this topic. The royal palms in the USA are not meeting the standard written by the APA SOP. I personally think it's a huge issue and not many people are aware of it. Part of the standard written as... TAIL:Main Tail - pure white with each feather having a...
  2. TurkeyTimes

    Pencilled Turkeys

    Who else has pencilled turkeys? What colors? I'd love to see pics!! This year's batch is looking really good! Got some beauties!
  3. TurkeyTimes

    Bearded hens and multi bearded toms

    So I want some opinions. Is a bearded hen or a multi bearded tom enough of a defect to remove from breeding pools? I personally think a multi bearded tom is pretty cool but from a genetic stand point going for breed improvement and standardization might be more important.
  4. TurkeyTimes

    Heritage - Broad Breast crosses

    So has anyone had luck with crossing heritage with broad breasted? If so, what heritage variety and how was fertility/ hatch/ growth rates? I have 2 BBB hens I kept from last year and I put them in with my Royal Palms,1 tom 3 hens. The goal being to have a larger meat bird with slower growth and...
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