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  1. sas212

    Speckled Eggs

    My RIR lay reddish brown eggs with dark speckles and my SLW lay light tan with dark speckles and sometimes the they're light colored speckles !
  2. sas212

    Coop Design and Setup

    So I guess what I want to do is a deep bedding; correct?
  3. sas212

    Coop Design and Setup

    Mehh from what I've researched, as long as you keep it dry and turn it over at least once a week it should be fine. I live in an area with a very dry atmosphere...I think that makes a difference.
  4. sas212

    Coop Design and Setup

    Can you expound on that; why didn't it work over concrete? I have a little chicken house sitting inside an existing dog kennel (6'x6' chain link panels on a concrete pad). I've planned to build a roof over the kennel, and enclose the floor around the bottom of the kennel with 1"x 6" as a...
  5. sas212

    Greenhouse to coop/run conversion?

    Can you explain why DLM doesn't work well for a concrete floor?
  6. sas212

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    8 week old EE. Stands out as the top of the pecking order, is always the first to investigate anything new in the run.
  7. sas212

    Don't know what breed or gender you have? Click here!

    EE, 8 weeks old. Is it a Crystal or a Christopher?
  8. sas212

    BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

    Panels set inside a 4' kiddie pool, using equine pine bedding pellets. The panels came with an adjustable light hook so you can raise it as needed. I have mine in a nice shed in the backyard. This was a few weeks ago...they're almost 6 weeks old and really flighty so they've been spending the...
  9. sas212

    Help identifying breed

    The feed store where I got her from said they had a batch of Aracauna and New Hampshire she an Aracauna cuz she sure as heck ain't a red!
  10. sas212

    Gaaahhh! first dustbathing...

    They're so adorable when they start scratching at around 2 weeks old also! Last week, I placed about a 2 quart plastic container filled with some of my garden soil...they hopped in a few times but didn't really pay close attention. I took them outside again today (3 weeks old) and they did...
  11. sas212

    No chick feed?!?!

    Some scrambled eggs with cooked brown rice, maybe? I messaged you.
  12. sas212

    Bedding Alternative

    I use the equine pine pellets for my chicks. No smell or dust and they can't eat the big pellets. I get a 40# bag for around $7 or less and lasts a long time also safe for compost.
  13. sas212

    Recovering from Pasty Butt

    I was using warm water on a cotton pad to clean up the butts but found through trial and error that a cotton pad soaked with a few drops of olive oil was more effective at cleaning their little hiney and it leaves a little coating on their vents that helps to keep them a bit cleaner. I'm all...
  14. sas212

    Stop chick feed waste

    I love to watch these tiny babies scratching also...So cute!
  15. sas212

    Stop chick feed waste

    I accidentally locked my dog in the shed with them. She killed 5 of the 6 we had. Totally my fault for not checking before I left the shed.
  16. sas212

    Stop chick feed waste

    I placed a rubber pet food place mat with raised edges to contain the chick crumble mess and cut down on wasted feed. Works great and washes in a flash with the hose! These are my new babies I got after the massacre the other day. The yellow chick, Crystal, was the sole survivor.
  17. sas212

    Bedding for chicks

    Yes! I had some pine pellets left over that I was using as cat litter and decided to try it with my new chicks. It's excellent, no smell and since they don't urinate, the pellets don't break down to sawdust. I just turn over the pellets every few days to refresh and they're happy. It also...
  18. sas212


    I'm in Mountain Home
  19. sas212

    I'm picking out chicks today, any advice?

    City ordinances says 3. My neighbor has 6 so I thought 4 was a good number. We came home with 7 because it was a straight run selection...You know...Might lose one or two or might end up with a roo...Or two. I lost one after the first 24 hours but chose not to replace it because I had planned...
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