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  1. HayDiddlesHens

    My rooster is killing his "favorite" hen. Is this common?

    Ronott1, please keep in mind that we are helping her, NOT trying to make her feel bad. This is a website were you receive information to help your birds. Not a website were nobody tells you what you need to do because of fear of hurt feelings. That rooster needs to be culled, and thats the hard...
  2. HayDiddlesHens

    My rooster is killing his "favorite" hen. Is this common?

    That behavior is not allowed and it's not going to get better either. You need to cull him... I know that can be hard, but you can't sell him to anyone with a temper like that. If you let him breed it would make his children aggressive too because that's genetic in chickens.
  3. HayDiddlesHens

    Scared Chicks

    I don't give mine grit, but it wouldn't hurt if you were to lay some out for them. :)
  4. HayDiddlesHens

    Scared Chicks

    Feeding them yummy tomatoes and other foods by hand works every time!
  5. HayDiddlesHens

    New Member - long time reader - has an emergency health question

    First remove her from the other chickens and put her in a cozy secluded area, then go to the store and buy some probiotic yogurt and a syringe to feed it to her by force. Just a quick question Is she laying down or walking around?
  6. HayDiddlesHens

    Incubator got too hot last night

    I absolutely agree. Some people recommend it be set to 102 for certain incubators like large still airs. It shouldn't die that quickly unless something is genetically wrong with the egg, and that sometimes happens.
  7. HayDiddlesHens

    Incubator got too hot last night

    My still air is set to 102 and it works like a charm.
  8. HayDiddlesHens

    Incubator got too hot last night

    What kind of incubator do you have and what day are those eggs on?
  9. HayDiddlesHens

    Eggs are hatching!!!

    Eggs are hatching!!!
  10. HayDiddlesHens

    Comment by 'HayDiddlesHens' in item 'Silkie'

    could be dust... did you try and wipe it with a wet cloth?
  11. HayDiddlesHens

    Can I keep one rabbit or do I have to have two

    just a regular scoop in the morning and afternoon should be fine. Do you know what breed your getting? good luck.
  12. HayDiddlesHens

    I don’t know what to do for a premature hatching chick

    We had duckling hatch prematurely too. In fact I just had two silkie chicks hatch three days early today. Just make sure to keep it comfortable, warm, and what ever you do... don't help it hatch. It might lay there and absorb the yolk when its out of the egg. other than that there isn't much you...
  13. HayDiddlesHens

    Review by '' on item 'Silkie'

    These birds are the best breed i've had so far. I highly recommend them. Once I got my first batch I was hooked and made a business in breeding them. Great moms and very sweet. The only thing I have to say is that the buff silkies are a little crazy.
  14. HayDiddlesHens

    Broody momma hens

    Broody momma hens
  15. HayDiddlesHens

    I'm at a loss, please help my hen

    Can you post a picture of her legs? Also if you can feel her legs. are they warm? if so she may be able to be saved. Keep her warm... maybe in the basement. You may have to syringe feed her. Give her probiotic yogurt too. Ive been through this before too. If you have any more concerns don't be...
  16. HayDiddlesHens

    What breed and sex are these?

    Not sure about the colored ones, but the black ones may be australorps.
  17. HayDiddlesHens

    Silkie Cross Thread!! PICS!!

    I had a cross like that too once. It looked just like yours. I always just thought it was a russian blue with gold around the shoulders. Just be cautious if it's a rooster because they have a different breed in them, and they could turn on your other roosters (if you have them.) Mine tried to...
  18. HayDiddlesHens

    Silkie mother lover

    Silkie mother lover
  19. HayDiddlesHens

    IT WORKED!!! AI EXPLANATION PG. 2............

    How do you do it? I have silkies too, but I don't know what i'm looking for when I AI.:barnie Is it white or clear?
  20. HayDiddlesHens


    How old are your ducks? If they are young and just growing into sexual maturity they might be posturing? I have mature ducks that do a neck bob into their chests everyday to show they are ready to mate. Maybe this is the first time they are showing this behavior? Is it a head nod, up and...
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