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  1. thessalonchick

    Turkey perch ?

    I have purchased 15 turkeys that I plan to sell for meat . However I can’t seem to find a straight answer on wether they should be using perches/roosts . I read that these can lead to breast blisters? So if I plan to sell them for meat should they or shouldn’t they have a perch/roost?
  2. thessalonchick

    Positive reassurance needed?!?

    Iam new to raising turkeys , I have raised chickens as pets with great success , however I plan to sell my turkeys for meat . For some reason I have developed a fear that somehow I may feed my turkeys something that may harm a human apon consumption..... am I overthinking ? Thinking wayyyy to...
  3. thessalonchick

    First time turkey mom SCARED ?!?

    Hey there , i currently have some turkey poults on order because I simply love the personality of them. I have raised chickens as pets with awesome success and love them dearly . I however am looking looking to raise my turkeys for meat , I may just be overthinking or worrying myself ( what I’m...
  4. thessalonchick

    Advice needed for sheep and goats

    Looking for advice on what types of things I should have on hand for my sheep and goats for example medical supplies and such. How often should they be dewormed ? What should I offer them as preventative measures? All products must be safe around horses as well . Thank you for any advice you...
  5. thessalonchick

    Mites meet new chicken mom

    Iam looking for advice when it comes to new ownership of chickens. I have polish hens as well and red layers . Iam seeking advice on mites/ prevention and treatment. As well as handy things to keep around the home in order to always be prepared.
  6. thessalonchick

    Help possibly broken leg

    Hi there I recently purchased 5 polish chickens I had them all in the same brooder . I have lost 2 one just died of unknown reasons he other of a broken neck again unknown how it happened . Suddenly overnight I have another with a broken leg please help as to what I can do to help this little...
  7. thessalonchick

    Bored chickens

    Hi there I was wondering if anybody could suggest anything to to prevent 4-6 week old from getting bored Iam a new chicken owner and well needless to say I have fallen head over heals for them and want nothing but the best any suggestions ? Thanks so much
  8. thessalonchick

    6 week old chicks with the poops :(

    They are eating and drinking fine they appear to be happy they are not acting different at all , however they have the poops . Could it be the fact that this is there first couple days in the outdoor coop? Any help would sure mean a lot thanks
  9. thessalonchick

    Tricky run

    I was looking for a simple yet quick way of building a run for my chickens . I would appreciate any ideas , that are simple , quick and maybe cheap . Thanks
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