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  1. RHChicks

    Sponsored Post Nestera Coop Giveaway! Total worth $1595

    I appreciate the Warranty! That is huge for a product that is outside all the time. Plus the easy cleaning make having chickens so much more fun!!
  2. RHChicks

    Exhaust fan help

    Hi all! I have had chickens for 2 years and this summer I wanted to put in a exhaust fan for them. I need one that is on the small size so I can put it above the door so it isn’t right above their roosts. I also need it to be under $40 if possible. Any suggestions would be great!! thanks!
  3. RHChicks

    Polish Chickens almost 5 weeks old (hen or roo)

    Here are mine! Any ideas on if mine are Roos or not? They are 6 weeks
  4. RHChicks

    Solar power in MN help

    I will have to look into doing what you did. Thanks!!!
  5. RHChicks

    Solar power in MN help

    Thanks. I will look into those. Yes baby steps for sure!!
  6. RHChicks

    Solar power in MN help

    You are right I would not have the chicks in the coop so they would be in the house. I am going to insulate our coop but was thinking I may still need a heat source. I have seen the heat panels but wasn't sure about them either. The coop is going to be about 120 ft from the house. If it was...
  7. RHChicks

    Solar power in MN help

    Anyone use solar power to have lights, heat lamp, fan and door for their coop and run? I have no idea where to start in looking into what i would need. Was going to run power from our house but that is out of the budget right now. Was told it would be around $1300 to run a line out there. Any...
  8. RHChicks

    Using pallets for walls of the run

    Awesome shelter!! That is what I was thinking it would look like. I do have the shed so it's just the run I would use the pallets for. I have seen where they use t-posts then place the pallets over them. Wasn't sure if that would be enough support or not. I am in MN so we need something that...
  9. RHChicks

    Using pallets for walls of the run

    I am trying to find something on using pallets stacked maybe 2 high for the walls and roof of a run. We have a 8x12 old shed that we are converting and i want to be able to have a run where i can go in and chill with the chicks.
  10. RHChicks


    Thinking about getting a compost bin to then use the compost in our garden. Anyone else composting?
  11. RHChicks

    Nesting box dividers- vinyl curtains, wood or none

    I made it so it could be 4 individual boxes. I am probably overthinking it like you said! Was just trying to see what people used. Also wondered it anyone has used curtains as the dividers in addition to them being on the front. Thanks!
  12. RHChicks

    Nesting box dividers- vinyl curtains, wood or none

    finishing up our external nesting box and trying to figure out if I should put in dividers. Was thinking maybe vinyl curtain dividers like I am doing on the front of the box. We have 9 chicks and built the box to have 4 individual boxes in case we get more chickens. I want to have the dividers...
  13. RHChicks

    Topic of the Week - Feeding Treats

    When do you have to give chicks grit? We have 2 wk old chicks and they ate some crickets and it was like Christmas for them!! Do I need to give them some grit now?
  14. RHChicks

    How to Raise Chicks

    How often do you need to change the bedding? There are nine chicks in the brooder and they poop alot!
  15. RHChicks

    Getting our Chicks today! Last min checklist help!

    Thanks! Fermenting their feed? Have not heard anything about that. What is that??
  16. RHChicks

    Getting our Chicks today! Last min checklist help!

    We are getting our chicks today from Runnings today. We have the brooder, pine shavings bedding, water & feeder. Any suggestions on what food we should get? Also she we refrain from handling them much the first couple days? Also anything else anyone suggest we get. Have the lamp but no...
  17. RHChicks

    Spring 2017 first timers post!

    We are getting our babies on Saturday and I am felling like I am having my first born all over again!! I have so many ideas on the brooder I have had my girlfriends tell me they are getting overwhelmed with all the things I want to do! I am not sure what to expect. We are using a large wire dog...
  18. RHChicks

    New to the chick world

    Hi, in our neighborhood we have re-purposed a kids playhouse and sandbox into a community chicken coop. We are starting with 9 chicks. 3 Silkies, 2 Buff Orpington, 2 Rhode Island Red, 2 Bantam Barred Rock. We are going to use tubs for the brooder. I have uploaded a photo of our work in...
  19. RHChicks

    Just starting with a community coop in our neighborhood.

    Just starting with a community coop in our neighborhood.
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