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  1. J

    Holderread - American Blue and Lavender Ice Geese

    Holderread’s website states that the 2020 breeding season will be their last for shipping duckings and goslings. I ordered a pair of Blue and Lavender Ice American goslings in 2019, and am so glad that got them when I did. That said, I am hoping there are other folks with these same geese for...
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    Sick Chicken...Seeking Advice!

    I recently acquired 3 lovely 12-15 week old hens to add to my backyard flock, and while in quarantine 1 of them has become ill. When they first arrived I gave them some water with apple cider vinegar to help combat the stress of travel, but within a couple of days "sick chick's" condition became...
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    ISO White Orpington Chicks :)

    Does anyone raise white Orpingtons to sell? They're proving incredibly difficult to track down.
  4. J

    Boys? Girls? Thoughts? :)

    Hi everyone! I'm a brand new chicken dad having just acquired my first flock (double silver laced Barnevelder large's a mouthful), and my seven bouncing chicky-chunklets are coming up on two weeks of age. I know this is pretty early on to worry about their sex, but I'd read somewhere...
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    Heron's Nest Organic Farm

    Hi folks, I was wondering if anyone has experience ordering from this farm? I don't mind paying extra to get exactly the type of birds that I'm interested in, but I do want to be sure that if I spend top dollar that I'm getting quality birds. Any information would be much appreciated! :) Thank...
  6. J

    WANTED - White Orpington chicks, White Call ducklings, and American Buff goslings

    Hello! I'm new to backyard poultry ownership, and am interested in finding White Orpington chicks (4-6 female and 1 male), White Call ducklings (1 female and 1 male), and American Buff goslings (1 female and 1 male) to raise for fresh eggs and for fun. I'm hoping to find a breeder with birds of...
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    Great Falls, MT - First time chicken owner...soon! :)

    Hi everyone! My fiancé and I built a house on 10 acres this past autumn, and I'm ready to begin homesteading a bit. I have never raised poultry, but am excited to get a small flock started this summer. I'm looking specifically for folks who raise/breed White Orpington chickens and American Buff...
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