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  1. Autmizak

    Yellow oozing carbuncle on Muscovy drake

    My Muscovy drakes carbuncle on the end of his nose is yellow/orange and is oozing clear yellow discharge if I touch it. Seems fine otherwise. But what could it be?
  2. Autmizak

    Will wild ducks stay with my flock if I have incubated and raised them

    Hi, a woman from my church asked me to take in 9 wild duck eggs. Her dog wouldn’t leave the nest alone and I was unable to trap mom to move them all safely. So I’ve been incubating the eggs for almost 2 weeks now. I just candled them today and the babies are doing great as far as I can see. Now...
  3. Autmizak

    TSC ducks, what breed & are they male or female?

    No, they just had baby ducklings so I bought 2! Thank you (:
  4. Autmizak

    TSC ducks, what breed & are they male or female?

    Yes I do see some orangish pink on their bill and their bills are very pale.
  5. Autmizak

    TSC ducks, what breed & are they male or female?

    I have no idea! I thought maybe Muscovy but they don’t look that much like the ones I’ve seen on google. They’re pure white except the black spots on their heads it’s so weird.
  6. Autmizak

    TSC ducks, what breed & are they male or female?

    I bought these ducks at tractor supply a few weeks ago. I really don’t know too much about ducks so I’m wondering what breed they are and what gender? How do I tell a male from a female besides their sounds?
  7. Autmizak

    Wild duck eggs in owners yard, wants them gone, how do I incubator them

    So a woman from my church has 10 duck eggs in a nest in her yard, she was fine with it until her dog found the nest and won’t leave it alone. She said momma duck comes every afternoon and sits on them. I am going to attempt to box trap mom and bring her and her eggs to my farm & put her & the...
  8. Autmizak

    2 day old peep can’t walk because won’t straighten out toes

    I just hatched out 9 silkie peeps. This particularly one was born 2 days ago. The first day it was obviously tired from hatching but today, it isn’t walking or straightening its toes. When I pick it up and straighten it’s toes for it, it almost seems relieved. How can I correct this? Poor baby...
  9. Autmizak

    Baby silkie very lethargic 1 wk old

    I usually do use chick feed but I haven’t had time to go to tractor supply so I thought they would be okay but I was wrong! I’m going to TRactor Supply now. I have her in the same bin as the other 5 chicks but she is in her own area blocked off.
  10. Autmizak

    Baby silkie very lethargic 1 wk old

    I had no idea!!!!! Is here anything I can do? Ugh I wish I knew that !!!! I just gave her some home made electrolyte mix. It was water, sugar, baking soda, salt. Just a very little bit. I’m hoping she can recover!!!!
  11. Autmizak

    Baby silkie very lethargic 1 wk old

    So I hatched out 7 peeps, 2 of which were silkies. Yesterday, everyone was totally fine and good then today I come to see that one silkie peep is dead and the other is acting so strange. Like looks like she/he is dying.. doesn’t want to eat or drink or move. No injuries that I can see and if you...
  12. Autmizak

    Young chicken suddenly has no balance

    Oh good lol I was nervous. But where can I get the nutridrench? I feel so bad for her. I did make a sling with some zip ties and an old t shirt and she has food and water infront of her.
  13. Autmizak

    Young chicken suddenly has no balance

    I also noticed this near her tail.. not sure what it is but every time I touch it, she’s gets weird and she keeps moving her tail side to side at random.
  14. Autmizak

    Young chicken suddenly has no balance

    Oh yeah, no she doesn’t have it.
  15. Autmizak

    Young chicken suddenly has no balance

    About 5 months, I put it in a box with a towel, food and water. No signs of injury. Nothing is swollen. Still moving feet legs and toes. It’ll stand up if you hold your hand under its chest but if you move your hand, it falls forward. No swelling in the ears
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