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  1. Winchester94

    Moving chickens 1000 miles

    I have been on the phone all day with people from Illinois and Texas trying to figure out this process. I'd rather not have to get NPIP certified for our tiny flock. Also the town we are moving to only allows chickens on 1 acre or more and we will be on .95. Pretty frustrating since we will only...
  2. Winchester94

    Moving chickens 1000 miles

    Well after some research and calling around it sounds like getting the permits to cross state lines with chickens is a huge pain. Maybe someone could give me more insight on how all this is done. Researching isn't exactly a strength of mine. I'm hoping it's not more trouble than it's worth
  3. Winchester94

    Moving chickens 1000 miles

    I have a full size pickup truck and will be pulling a large trailer up there. We have a 8x4 coop that fits nicely in the truck bed and we have thought about just letting them hangout in there for the drive since they are familiar with it. The problem is that it is 8x4 and takes up the whole...
  4. Winchester94

    Moving chickens 1000 miles

    So my wife and I have decided to move from Texas to Illinois in about a month (I'll always be a Texan though) and we are thinking of bringing our 8 hens and 1 rooster that we've grown attached too. It's about a 19 hour drive that we may break into two days. Any tips on transporting chickens this...
  5. Winchester94

    No crow collars

    It sounds like it's basically just a velcro strap
  6. Winchester94

    No crow collars

    Unfortunately we're moving 1,100 miles away so no. I don't like the idea of putting a restriction on him but it's better than giving him up
  7. Winchester94

    No crow collars

    I have read several threads on this but have to ask myself. Do these work? Any bad experiences? I have a really great looking ameraucauna rooster that really likes to crow (I love it too) but we are about to temporarily move to a place that doesn't allow roosters. I really like this guy and...
  8. Winchester94

    Favorite nesting box and pecking eggs

    I never thought about the possibility that maybe it's just getting stepped on. That sounds more likely than just a single peck everyday
  9. Winchester94

    Favorite nesting box and pecking eggs

    I have two nesting boxes for 8 hens. Only 5 or 6 are laying right now but they almost always lay in the same box every day. So far I have not got more than 4 eggs in a day but almost every time there's one that's been pecked just once. Just one little hole. Is there a way to discourage this...
  10. Winchester94

    Best Raccoon Solutions? Lost My Best Broody Last Night

    Trapping is about all you could do. Or get a Great Pyrenees! Every now and then we do a round of coon trapping on the ranch when they start getting into the deer and cow feeders. It takes awhile to get new ones around. Also keep in mind they are very clever and intelligent. We have had some...
  11. Winchester94

    Genetics question

    Thanks for the info. Great stuff
  12. Winchester94

    Genetics question

    In the next few months here I'll be taking my first shot at hatching chicks and have found myself wondering about genetics and specifically inbreeding. If I were to keep some chicks for my own flock would I need to keep them separate from the rooster they spawned from so he does not try to breed...
  13. Winchester94

    Incubator vs Hen

    Thanks y'all! Very helpful. I have two buffs that have just started to lay so hopefully maybe I'll get a broody hen by spring?
  14. Winchester94

    Incubator vs Hen

    Hey y'all, I am wanting to try my hand at hatching and have researched incubators extensively but I'm wondering if maybe I'll just let a broody hen do all the work. Does anyone know the pros and cons of using an incubator versus letting a hen hatch them? Also will a broody hen reject eggs that...
  15. Winchester94

    No eggs in summer

    They are in a large open too pen about 15ftx45ft and coop with laying boxes. I have not seen them show much interest but the hay inside does seem to be moved around sometimes. I put a fake egg in the boxes to give them a hint.
  16. Winchester94

    No eggs in summer

    They are still on grower. Should I be giving them layer feed or wait till I see the first egg?
  17. Winchester94

    No eggs in summer

    The buffs and Rhode Island's definitely have big red combs but as expected the ameraucanas and marans are still working on theirs
  18. Winchester94

    No eggs in summer

    I have buffs, lavender ameraucanas, cuckoo marans, and Rhode Island's
  19. Winchester94

    No eggs in summer

    Hey yall, it's very hot here in Texas as expected and it's definitely affected my hens. They are all 21-25 weeks and we havnt had one egg yet. I'm sure this question has been asked before but is there anything I can do to encourage egg laying during these hot days? Should I be concerned or is...
  20. Winchester94

    New around here

    Hey y'all, first time posting here but used the site many times for research. I've been around chickens quite a bit but finally got my very own flock. My wife and I live in Spicewood, TX with our two Pyrenees/collie mix. Our flock consists of 2 buffs, 2 lavender ameraucana, 2 cuckoo maran, 2...
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