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  1. Sarah B.

    winter water help!

    I don't think so. A general tip is to change the water every day, at least two times so it doesn't freeze but I don't think there's really a 'safe' way to stop the water from freezing. You can delay it though with special materials and location but other than that, no.
  2. Sarah B.

    3 month old Bantam, what gender?

    Not sure, I'd say it's a pullet but she could just be a late bloomer. You'll be able to see for sure in -at the latest- two months. Ask again in about a month and watch her closely. She could just be a fierce big lady.
  3. Sarah B.

    Why is rooster crowing at 3:55 am?

    chickens, generally, see better than we do. They have some sort of ultraviolet vision which makes them see sunlight WAY before we can even see a glimmer of light. Thats why roo's crow so early. You can try closing your roo in a box at night, so he doesn't see the sun, its supposed to prevent...
  4. Sarah B.

    Introducing New Chicks

    You could maybe get some chicken wire? You could maybe separate the chicks with some sort of wire, or maybe you could have the brooder inside the coop, just opening it up somehow.
  5. Sarah B.

    Need some Advice

    Keep him isolated for a bit. Let them hear each other first and if your favorite has merged with the new hens well they will most likely stick together. After a week or two of isolation let him meet the girls in a open environment, or somewhere they feel safe, and or have a lot of escape routes...
  6. Sarah B.

    Introducing New Chicks

    I'm no expert on introductions but I'm a research freak! Anyway what I've heard keep them (the chicks) isolated for about two to three weeks and then maybe let the pullets and chicks meet, for a short time, in a bigger run or free range. Then isolate again. Then maybe the next day or after two...
  7. Sarah B.

    Help! Daily routine? Coop maintenance?

    So recently I moved my chicks into the coop, it's not 100% ready yet but I'm working towards it. I've got to put a rooster in there and make a hole so they can get in and out when they want. They have a nest, food, water and pine shavings. I try to let them out every day for about five hours or...
  8. Sarah B.

    Moving baby chicks to coop

    Oh. Yeah, well I guess its different for different climates. I live in Iceland so its very cold at night here. My chicks used their Ecoglow until they were about seven weeks old. Now they just prefer to bundle up on top of each other. . .
  9. Sarah B.

    New Member Intro!

    Welcome to BYC! Thanks for joining! You can find a lot of threads about coop building, chicken care and find others in your area. :welcome
  10. Sarah B.

    Lost hen

    My best guess is a racoon. I'm so sorry for your loss. . .
  11. Sarah B.

    Moving baby chicks to coop

    If you have chickens have the chicks isolated because if the chickens don't take well to the chicks they could easily kill them. I'd not let them roam outside at night, at least for the next two weeks, because it'll get cold. Its recommended to move chicks out on week 8-10 but that's being...
  12. Sarah B.

    First time mama to baby chicks!

    Wow. They're adorable. Good luck! :welcome
  13. Sarah B.

    Please Help. My Coturnix not hatching at all?

    I think it might be the humidity. Its way too low. It should be at a constant 40-50%. Is it a still air or a fan incubator? If the temp's been fluctuating -especially if it's gone up- it might have affected your hatch. You know, they might just be late. I wouldn't stress until after five days...
  14. Sarah B.


    Most hens will lay in winter but their laying rate will go down, pullets very rarely start laying in winter but there will be some egg production. I don't know if vitamins / special nutrition will help with that -this is my first winter with chickens so I have no personal experience but ask...
  15. Sarah B.

    Can a snake

    We don't have snakes where I live but the go-to option everyone here recommends is Hardware Cloth. I'd just find some with extra-small holes.
  16. Sarah B.


    I've got no experience with Button Quail's but maybe they're just late? Are you sure the eggs are fertile? (do quails lay eggs if not fertile?)Has she showed any signs of disinterest, foul eggs or something similar? (Pushing eggs close to the border of her nest, going out for long periods...
  17. Sarah B.

    Is this a female or Roo?

    WAY too young to sex, you'll have to wait a few weeks until you can know for sure.
  18. Sarah B.

    Upcoming hurricane Irma....might lose power to incubator. What can I do?

    You could try to have the heat a couple of degrees higher than normal. This makes chicks hatch earlier, but just a few degrees. Too much heat and the chicks will die. Up the humidity too. If you have broody hens you can try to get them to take on the eggs if you think its better but really its...
  19. Sarah B.

    Can hens mate other hens??

    I have to agree with Hybridchucks, he could just be a non-dominant roo or something, maybe he's just smaller or less-threatening so that's why the other roo's didn't challenge him
  20. Sarah B.

    When do my pullets start laying eggs?

    So, currently I've got two pullets, both two months old (and one cockerel the same age) and I'm wondering when they'll start laying eggs. . . legally, it's illegal to have a rooster/cockerel in my town so once he's fully grown I'll have to sell my cockerel (Cleo) but I really want a bigger flock...
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