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  • Users: mmpb1
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  1. mmpb1

    Something decided to visit our goose house.

    Don't feel bad about closing the possum in your goose house. I came home a little later than usual to close the chicken house. The next morning I thought a hen was on the nest early- wait- hens don't have fur! It was a young possum. The older ones will kill a chicken, the young ones eat eggs...
  2. mmpb1

    Have a giggle on me...and share your little uh oh moments too.

    theoldchick, Loved your story. Guys are hurt enough being proven wrong by a female. Thanks for not making him suffer any more than necessary. My DH was building a garden shed with the same type of latch. Thought I heard someone yelling and went outside to find him trapped inside the "Hoe...
  3. mmpb1

    Does anyone know what type of breed

    When I saw your picture my brain said, "That's Butch!!". 30+ years ago, we got a puppy from MIL because two year old BIL tried to drown him in the kiddy pool. Butch was 1/2 beagle + 1/2 poodle and one of the best dogs ever (also one of the most stubborn). Charmer, hunter, barker of extreme...
  4. mmpb1

    Bomb at Detroit Federal building.. almost a month!

    Boyd, Leave the safety on, it's not worth the shot. LOL Thanks for knowing that some of us still believe in doing right. And that's the point. Every day I am astounded by the lack of common sense in people who make decisions about our lives. Three months to get electric service switched...
  5. mmpb1

    I don't often ask for help but....

    Boyd, I've tried to think of something to say to comfort you other than "prayers and hugs" since you first posted the bad news. Don't delay, ask your daughter; she knows how she wants her baby to grow up. You give so much to kids who need direction, a baby would be a blessing. Not for us...
  6. mmpb1

    What are you planting today?

    DH has planted sweet corn and potatoes. Spinach and collards are still producing so he can't till those rows yet. Onions were planted a couple of months ago. Oh, and he wanted to plant a Bartlett pear today but got home with the tree and it was a Bradford pear. LOL Major senior moment! Margie
  7. mmpb1

    I'm still shaking, WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES

    You have something more strange than chickens? LOL Margie
  8. mmpb1

    I'm still shaking, WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES

    Oh, how I wish I could give you a hug to stop your shaking and, perhaps I'm wrong, tell you it's OK to be so angry (I know you are). A dog of similar breed was on my front porch one morning a few years ago. When I came out, she had killed a hen (free range every now and then) and dominated...
  9. mmpb1

    Starlings over taking barn!!!!

    Try an internet search for starling.trap and you will get lots of ideas. The link with instructions for the one DH made is no longer available, but others seem about the same to build. Also, you can buy traps already constructed. After years of shooting the nasty birds, the trap has been...
  10. mmpb1

    Steven got promoted!!

    Good job, Steven and Mom! My DH is Retired Army and the best guy God put on this earth. Just my opinion, LOL. Steven (and you) will never regret the hard times. Thanks to you and Steven for your devotion to our country. Margie
  11. mmpb1

    We need prayer (Thank You)

    Prayers for today and for the hard days ahead. Margie
  12. mmpb1

    Squirrel Pot Pie

    Do you pre-cook any of the vegetables before you add them? Especially the potatoes and carrots. When I make chicken pot pie I add white sauce that thickens the mix. Will the squirrels leave enough juice in the crock-pot for gravy? I like those tree rats, but mostly have them with...
  13. mmpb1

    What's on your Christmas list?

    I just want more chickens.
  14. mmpb1

    What's on your Christmas list?

    No, maiming is not OK. Margie
  15. mmpb1

    What's on your Christmas list?

    Ok, restraint. And a new roo. They got my Blackbeard. Still want the Jersey. Margie
  16. mmpb1

    What's on your Christmas list?

    Death for the neighbor's dogs; a bred Jersey heifer for me. Margie
  17. mmpb1

    I lost the Love of my Life

    Oh dear, I'm so sorry. Prayers and hugs for you and all who loved him. Sometimes I want to yell at DH, "You don't have to be so tough!!!". May God give you strength and peace in the days ahead. Margie
  18. mmpb1

    Happy Birthday Boyd!

    Happy Birthday, Boyd. Hope all the days until the next one are happy as well. Margie
  19. mmpb1

    poured in my life can't it stop? Dads Gone9/25/10Gmas Gone10/31/10

    No, you don't have to forgive your sister. Mine didn't bother to show up for the funeral. We waited for 20 minutes. Daddy loved her a lot. Margie
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