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  1. M

    We got two more hens from my friend @Gossie one Black Sumatra and a White Cochin.

    We got two more hens from my friend @Gossie one Black Sumatra and a White Cochin.
  2. M

    apple cider vinegar

    So the only benefits are it helps get rid of and prevent worms?
  3. M

    Homemade Chicken Ladder Toy!

    Greetings my chicken enthusiasts! Today I would like to teach you how to make a very simple and fun toy for your chickens. You can go to the paragraph that you want. Each paragraph will tell you about a different thing. -Thank You -Paragraph 1 is the introduction -Paragraph 2 is the...
  4. M

    We also built these little ladder toys I will be posting on how to make them in the forums!

    We also built these little ladder toys I will be posting on how to make them in the forums!
  5. M

    Well, we may actually have 4 roosters since their spurs are starting to come in. Our Dominique...

    Well, we may actually have 4 roosters since their spurs are starting to come in. Our Dominique who we thought was a hen is getting spurs.
  6. M

    My Backyard Chickens

    My friend actually got me to join. I just got my chickens last may. Thank you for being so welcoming. Have a great day!
  7. M

    My Backyard Chickens

    Greetings chicken enthusiasts! I have 8 chickens: one buff Orpington, one dominque, two New Hampshire reds, and four Rhode Island reds. Sadly, we somehow got 2 extra roosters when we only wanted one, so now we have 3 roosters and 5 hens. I will be posting daily or weekly updates depending on how...
  8. M

    I have 8 chickens: one buff orpington, one dominque, two New Hampshire Reds, four Rhode Island Reds.

    I have 8 chickens: one buff orpington, one dominque, two New Hampshire Reds, four Rhode Island Reds.
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