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  1. Tweets

    Free Barred Rock Rooster

    19week old hand reared Barred Rock Rooster. Very sweet and will follow you around. In Los Angeles, CA.
  2. Tweets

    Seriously? NOBODY has Blue or Splash JBG's for sale?? NOBODY?!?!UPDATE

    I just typed in Yahoo Blue or Splash Jersy Giants they have more Blue, Black, Splash, White Jersey giants - Blue, Black, Splash, White Jersey Giants: Blue & Splash are Extremeley Rare Colors. ... Jersey giants are twice the size of Rhode Island Reds! Must see to ...
  3. Tweets

    daughter went back to the doctor today for her thyroid.

    Hyperactive Thyroid and goiters can be handled without surgery. I am 4yrs clear and healthy. I took Thyroid-Throu some Chinese herbs that I ordered online. If you need some type in Thyroid-Throu. They work great and actually handle the problem plus you get to keep your thyroid, no nasty Radio...
  4. Tweets

    HOMESCHOOLERS...any one

    As a teacher for over 20yrs I gotta tell ya homeschooling is the best you can do for your child these days. I had seen such a drastic decline in both the private and public sectors that I really had to take a good hard look at what was going on. Many months of research and cross checking facts I...
  5. Tweets

    brother and sister in law rant.

    I think you are granting this gal too much power. Obviously she knows she can get to you all and is enjoying the effect. The other thing is your brother is also to blame letting her talk and act to your parents like that and shows her he has no respect for them so why should she. Nor has he...
  6. Tweets

    What do you make of this situation?

    Kill her with kindness. It kills any animosity. Take some eggs over with a note that says you hope the chickens won't come in her yard anymore and leave them on the back porch.
  7. Tweets

    CA Anyone???

    Very close to downtown Los Angeles.
  8. Tweets

    Pretty sure this "pullet" is a roo...Question

    Thanks La_TomboyGirl good to know what to look for. These guys are almost 9 weeks can I put a day or 2 old straight in there or shoud I keep seperate till the little one gets some beef? Anyone live in Los Angeles wanting a free Barred Rock Roo????????
  9. Tweets

    Pretty sure this "pullet" is a roo...Question

    Darn it! These pics are the spitting double of my 2. If I didn't know I could not get my pics up I would swear you stole my We have been wondering if the silver grey was a roo as she/he has been caught with mouth open a few times. I can't have a roo as we are suck betwen 2...
  10. Tweets

    Help, my neighbor is family, and their dog keeps attacking my chickens

    We had a trainer for 2 GS we rescued that hated people (not us). One of his methods which we did not like and was the deciding factor in firing him was a "fireworks" tool. Explained: if the dog tried to get out the door without permission or do something he was not supposed to do he would set...
  11. Tweets

    Nice new neighbors.... *****UPDATE******* Page 4

    We got a bunch of ficas, bushes, etc., from Craigslist to make a fence. Freecycle sometimes has some too. Lots cheaper than a fence.
  12. Tweets

    the biggest raccoon I have ever seen **caution graphic pics**

    Years ago DH and I came home one night to find big orange eyes glaring at us in the driveway next to the garage. We turned on the lights and went down there to check it all out. Had never seen one before so was rather excited. Well, the one on the ground disappeared but in the garbage can that...
  13. Tweets

    Neighbors dogs in coop. UPDATE! 2nd time. 911/charges/court today

    In Los Angeles there is a leash law so if a dog is on your property uninvited the owner gets fined and held accountable for any damage. Good Luck and sorry about your babies.
  14. Tweets

    Flies, flies and more flies

    We don't have our coop finished yet but we have lots of fruit trees that in the summer attract flies, fruit flies and gnats by the zillions. We finally found the solution at Home Depot. I don't know what they are called but they have a clear plastic bag that you pour water into through a small...
  15. Tweets

    What do you do with your Eggs

    That's good to know Cobrien. The bloom makes sense. Thanks a bunch:celebrate
  16. Tweets

    What do you do with your Eggs

    Thanks Sherry. Fresh is awesome! But sometimes we will not be able to eat right away. How come the washing makes them not last?
  17. Tweets

    What do you do with your Eggs

    This may sound very glib but I am new so please bare with me. My chicks are too young yet but have to ask. What do you do with the eggs after they have layed? Do you keep them out for a while or put them straight in the fridge? Also, do they have a longer shelf life than store bought eggs...
  18. Tweets

    Tea Tree oil for treating Mites? has lots of good stuff for all kinds of bugs. Scabies, Lice etc., The guy who runs it was a termite inspector and did not like the chemicals so made up his own. We get their Enzyme cleaner for cleaning and bathing the dogs. I will have to ask if it is okay for birds as one of their...
  19. Tweets

    I's Great Being Here

    Well, been reading for about 3 weeks all your great info and convinced DH that we should get chickens even though he hated them. He lived near a chicken farm and could not stand the stink! Anyway a few days ago we got 3 fuzzy butts ( Barred Rocks) keeping our fingers crossed they are all girls...
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