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  1. Inkedxoxo


    Thank you
  2. Inkedxoxo


    Well it turns out it was indeed mareks. So sad right now. I thought it was best for him to be euthanized. RIP little guy I got their vitamins in today. Hopefully their immune systems can beat it. Thank you everyone for your help. I really appreciate it.
  3. Inkedxoxo


    No babies but the lady i got mine from will have some in the spring, she’s in norco
  4. Inkedxoxo


    No he just said that i really needed to come in.
  5. Inkedxoxo


    Thank you, fingers crossed we can resolve the issue. Spoke to the vet on the phone and he doesn’t think it’s mareks.
  6. Inkedxoxo


    Thank you so much. We have a vet appointment at 2:45 I’ll let you what he says
  7. Inkedxoxo

    mareks disease??

    Hope he recovered. I just had a hen pass recently that looks very much like yours but didn’t know the breed. She was my favorite. Do you know the Breed of yours?
  8. Inkedxoxo


    No they have been in the coop the past 2 days. I only let them out when i can watch over them.
  9. Inkedxoxo


    Great idea thank you! He’s in my room now and will be sleeping next to me. He has now been having normal stools. He has started breathing heavy out of beak though. I’ve given him selenium and vitamin b. No where near me carries vitamins that i need so i used what i had here and ordered some...
  10. Inkedxoxo

    Chicken can’t stand

    I contacted our local tractor supply and unfortunately they don’t have any vitamins For poultry I also asked if they had vitamins for other animals like use for poetry and they said I would have to order it online. I ordered Nutra Drench, Vet RX and Durvet vitamins and electrolyte concentrate...
  11. Inkedxoxo

    Chicken can’t stand

    All looks fine, he walks without a limp with assistance but the moment I let go he falls over. I live in a small town and tried searching for Poly-Vi-Sol without iron and I can’t find it anywhere. I figured some vitamins what do him some good so I’m going to order some now. He just started...
  12. Inkedxoxo

    Chicken can’t stand

    One of my ayam cemani juvenile roosters can’t stand on his own. He just falls over. If I hold him up he can walk he has a large appetite and is drinking water he seems fine other than the fact that he cannot stand. Any suggestion on what it can be and is there a remedy for it?! I feed all our...
  13. Inkedxoxo


    I forgot to mention that he did have diarrhea and it was white
  14. Inkedxoxo


    One of my ayam cemani juvenile roosters can’t stand on his own. He just falls over. If I hold him up he can walk he has a large appetite and is drinking water he seems perfectly fine other than the fact that he cannot stand. Any suggestion on what it can be and is there a remedy for it?! I...
  15. Inkedxoxo

    Help sick chicken

    Thank you again everyone for your help
  16. Inkedxoxo

    Help sick chicken

    Thank you, I’m a wreck and wish i had a straight answer. She was so beautiful and sweet. RIP my sweet Indie.
  17. Inkedxoxo

    Help sick chicken

    Just got back from the vet, he said a woman in the same area as me had a chicken experience the same symptoms recently. She was paralyzed from the neck up and ruled out botulism. It’s either trauma or she caught something from a wild bird. We live underneath a phone line where all the wild...
  18. Inkedxoxo

    Is it botulism?

    Would the dosage be the same for a chicken?
  19. Inkedxoxo

    Help sick chicken

    Thank you so much guys for your help. I will update you After her appointment
  20. Inkedxoxo

    Help sick chicken

    Yeah it definitely doesn’t look like wry neck. she can’t even lift her neck it just droops but she is able to stand. I have no idea how she could even get botulism considering they drink their water so quickly it gets refilled every day and their food doesn’t have poop in it nor are there dead...
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